I think I had the correct version for the first three levels, which is what I managed. Here are my comments and I'm getting my sleep.
I'm quite pleased with how the room reveals how the provided materials should be used
(I just dove in head first without a care for the Gentryii
1 East:
Straight-forward idea and so was execution, once I gave myself the full 30 turns.
1 West:
Also pretty straight-forward, but less immediate than 1 East.
First actual tricky room for me. That is, until I stopped being a dummyhead and used the water tiles in the middle...
1 South:
Very minor trial-and-error experimenting to see what works.
Didn't take too long to get to the idea.
1 West:
I admit to be stumped here for now.
Rambles of my thoughts:
Click here to view the secret text
×No idea how to move the single mirror fast enough...
Although... Nope, that didn't work either.
I did work out how to theoretically do that room, but in practice, the timer is WAY too fast for me.
I think I'm missing something crucial, like how to block with the single mirror in the "perfect spot" so that the orthogonal aumtlich beams don't ruin my day.
Any hints?
Okay, I took one more shot at it and did it better, but it seems like I'd need 6 more turns.
The oremites with the aumtlich that lights the fuses are consuming too much of my time...
Basically, my problem seems to be the start - I either let the fuse run and then I cannot catch up with the mirror; or I stop the fuse right away with a mirror to reposition, but then I'm too slow.
Eeehh... Okay, that was DAMN tricky, I actually did it, after telling myself I should give it one last shot.
Definitely the hardest room so far and for me, the timer was actually the perfect length, no time to spare!
1 North:
While it's fairly obvious to parse what needs to be done, it's not as easy as it seems.
To extend what Red-XIII was saying about the diagonal obviousness, the stones do a pretty good job.
If you want to be even more obvious, put in some grass tiles that extend the rocky diagonals.
I think you need to have the aumtlich block the eye and light the fuse on the same turn, but then the aumtlich kills me.
If when it steps to block the eye, it gets frozen by the mirror, then I cannot make it light the fuse anymore by having construct push the mirror away, because IT blocks the beam...
What am I missing?
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