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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Architecture : DROD: AE Tutorial (Tutorial for all elements in DROD 1.0 only)
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File: DROD AE Tutorial.hold (12.2 KB)
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icon DROD: AE Tutorial (0)  
Hello everyone,

I know I am still working on the "Elementary Dungeon" tutorial that covers all DROD elements up to 5.0, but I figured it might be a fun idea to challenge myself to making a tutorial about the 1.0 elements only, so I will proudly present this hold.

I intentionally used scrolls explaining the elements rather than having the player figure them out by themself KDD style, because I wanted the tutorial to be friendly to people who have absolutely no DROD experience whatsoever; they will not be able to figure out how to move without randomly guessing if no one explains it to them clearly, at least in DROD 1.0 that doesn't have a built-in tutorial.

08/26/2024 UPDATE:

* Fixed inaccurate info throughout all levels.

* Made 1E in the last level optional and 1W required, because 1W is actually easier than 1E to the testers.

[Last edited by azb at 08-26-2024 06:47 PM : 08/26/2024 fix/update]
08-26-2024 at 10:43 AM
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Sorry for the long delay, I know I promised another couple of rooms for your Hundred Levels (and one of them is done). I have been busy with EP stuff but I'll get to that this week.

Had a run through this hold. It's fine for the most part -- quick and simple introductions similar to other tutorial holds. Points for improvement:

Basic Movement 1S1W: First scroll has "clockwise" and "counterclockwise" the wrong way round. It would be better if the lower orb (or both orbs) toggled the door so the player can see closing as well as opening.

Monsters and Elements Entrance: Would be better if you showed sliding behaviour. You could cut out a large chamber in the unused space and have the roach set up so it automatically slides on some walls when coming to the player.

1S1W: Too many trapdoors.

2S1W: Have the queen start at around (24,11) so the player can see her running away (and can also see her sliding).

Advanced Elements and Techniques 1S: Maybe have a wide tar blob that you can cut through the middle of, and then a narrow one that produces babies.

2S1W: Remove "than it was in the beginning" since this isn't true, tar grows one tile wider than its current position.

4S1W: Scroll is not at all accurate. Serpents make a decision every turn; it's just that every 5 turns, their first preference changes between horizontal and vertical. Also, if Beethro is directly in line with their head, they will go straight forward (which is important to know for this room, because standing behind the middle tile of the wall formation is the easiest way to lure the serpent there).

Maybe just include the "straight forward" rule and die-in-dead-ends rule in this room and have a separate room showing more details of serpent movement, if you want to teach it at all?

4S2W: The roach can't move north in any case, so maybe remove the force arrow under the roach so the mimic can't get stuck there (just to be a bit polite since this is a first room for players new to mimics).

Brain Drain 1S: Show monsters going round obstacles to get to Beethro -- have the path make a U-bend so the monsters start moving south, which unbrained monsters would not do. Then put pit between the eye and Beethro so that when Beethro wakes it, it goes round the bend.

1S1W is rather simplistic, but brained queens are very complicated, probably too much so to explain in a beginner hold, so I give you a pass here.

2S1W: Move the entire puzzle area to the far south so the player can see one roach going round the bend and the other one not doing so, while the player is (by necessity) still to the north.

3S2W: Scroll should state that brained goblins still avoid your sword. (Because of this, you can still pin them against a wall in any direction, it's just trickier to get into the right position.)

3S3W: Scroll should explain that brained serpents can be tricked into going into dead ends if they can see a path to you that contains diagonal moves.

Final Homestand: Fairly enjoyable final puzzles although I don't think 1W is the hardest; I think 1E is if you're a beginner and not used to goblin hordes yet.

50th Skywatcher
08-26-2024 at 05:59 PM
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Registered: 03-08-2014
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All awesome feedback! Thank you as always.
08-26-2024 at 06:36 PM
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