Actually, I can give hints!
The room is possible starting clearing from either the east or the west, and there's different places where you can leave babies to block growth depending on which direction you're coming from.
From the west (harder, probably):
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×Your first goal is to clear up to the 11-column. You can push the tar back south of the 3-long wall to give you a few spawn cycles without worrying about it.
If you're able to make enough progress to push all the tar to the 13th column or further, you can leave a few babies south of the 3-long wall.
It's relatively easy from there, but it requires lots of efficiency up front.
From the east:
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×You can trap babies at (20,11), (20,14), and (20,17). Then you can trap some at (10,20), blocking off the south portion of the room.
You should be able to make it from there.