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icon Returning to DROD after a long absence (+2)  
So, I've been gone from the DROD scene for quite a while. I'd say it's been about a year and a half since I last touched this game. Leaf's Odyssey as single-handedly revitalized my interest in this game. What all has happened in that time?

I know Treacle Stew was released, and I've seen all of Alex Diener's playthrough of that. I also see that DROD 5.1.1 has been released which is good, but I also see that there's no Linux build for it, which is unfortunate...

When I get paid by my job in a few days, I fully intend to renew my CNet subscription and see if I can pull down my old player profile from the cloud. I'm also looking forward to seeing all of you lovely people again.

I am IQubic. I am a trans woman who uses she/her pronouns, and I'm back now!

Trans Woman (She/Her Pronouns)
119th Skywatcher
05-25-2024 at 08:55 PM
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icon Re: Returning to DROD after a long absence (0)  
We had a recent contest to design and script a level that requires an “upgrade item” to complete. The hold was released here.

34th Skywatcher

Best to PM me, since I might miss your message on CaravelNet chat.
05-25-2024 at 11:53 PM
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icon Re: Returning to DROD after a long absence (0)  
What are the chances of new Linux builds being made for DROD?

Trans Woman (She/Her Pronouns)
119th Skywatcher
05-26-2024 at 01:54 AM
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icon Re: Returning to DROD after a long absence (+2)  
The announcement has changed, and I really love it

Announcement: Be excellent to each other.

I really love to apply it in real life. Thank you everyone. The positivity of this board is probably something that never changed and is still true to this board.

I've myself had to take a break for 2 years almost, and I really regret it. I also need to play Treacle Stew - I participated in it, as a voice actor ha ha.

As for Linux, I have no idea. But this is something that should be seriously considered.

Frankly, treat this place as a comfort hub. Things change, but DROD remains awesome. Forever

[Last edited by Illusionist at 05-26-2024 03:13 PM]
05-26-2024 at 03:07 PM
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icon Re: Returning to DROD after a long absence (+3)  
IQubic wrote:
What are the chances of new Linux builds being made for DROD?

The last time I've asked this question I was told that the person who created the Linux builds for the previous releases is no longer around, and they don't have the resources and expertise to recreate the build environment.

The source code has been released on Github, and it is possible to produce from it, with some effort, a runnable binary, and if you have the game data file from an earlier release, the game is playable.

I have a thread about my experience about the compilation process:
The resulting binary has (or had at the time) a font rendering problem, which is fixable, I think, but more severely, it doesn't have Caravelnet, because the source for that was not released.

The resulting binary is dynamically linked to some of the dependencies (as opposed to the release builds, which were (partly) statically linked), because my OS's package manager didn't have the static versions of those libraries and I didn't research further to acquire them.

Worse, I don't know how the actual release build (the package that contains the binary and game data, artwork etc.) is produced. Perhaps I've missed them but I couldn't find the necessary scripts in the github repo.

These are the reasons why I still use the old 5.0.x release version and why I didn't volunteer to help create the Linux build for the new versions - I don't know enough to really help.

05-27-2024 at 08:48 PM
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icon Re: Returning to DROD after a long absence (+6)  
I have access to the CNet files, so by following kikuchiyo's instructions, I was able to get DROD built on a Fedora VM with CNet support. The library thing is a bit of a pain point, but DROD already comes with a bunch of dlls on Windows and it's the same amount of stuff overall. If I can work out what I need to include, I might be able to post something. (From some very quick googling it seems Fedora is opposed to the idea of static linking?)

In terms of fonts, we just need a later version of the font file that doesn't have a certain flag set.

The script to make the Linux installer is also available in one of the private repos I have access to, so progress on that front is possible.

(then there's steam builds which are a different kettle of fish, although the same kind of fish I think)

((and then I need to do it all over again for RPG. whee!))

[Insert witty comment here]
05-27-2024 at 10:51 PM
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icon Re: Returning to DROD after a long absence (+2)  
Excellent news!

About the static libs: I recall that I've checked Ubuntu packages as well, and their package repo has more of the necessary dependencies as static libs. I had the idea to create a docker container with a build environment that pulls in the necessary libraries and builds DROD in a reproducible way, but using a VM is fine too.

Edit: since you're hosted on Github anyway, you could set up Github Actions to produce a build and run tests with for every commit. Even if the resulting builds would not really suitable for playing (no Caravelnet etc.), this would still exercise the tests and build process, you could catch regressions early etc.

[Last edited by kikuchiyo at 05-27-2024 11:38 PM]
05-27-2024 at 11:34 PM
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icon Re: Returning to DROD after a long absence (+2)  
I don't mean to stop the chat about Linux Builds for DROD, but since this is a thread about my return to DROD and seeing as CNet is part of the DROD experience, in my opinion, I'd like to interject and say that I've just purchased a year's worth of CNet, and I haven't received an email for linking my forum account to CNet. Furthermore, I don't seem to have the "chat" link at the top of the forum that I used to have last time I had CNet

I placed the order through BMT Micro using the same email as I have attached to my forum account here.

Trans Woman (She/Her Pronouns)
119th Skywatcher
05-28-2024 at 04:57 AM
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icon Re: Returning to DROD after a long absence (+2)  
There have been problems with the server sending emails for awhile now, but the option to link your account should be available under your profile's Purchases tab.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

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05-28-2024 at 06:30 AM
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icon Re: Returning to DROD after a long absence (+1)  
NoahT wrote:
There have been problems with the server sending emails for awhile now, but the option to link your account should be available under your profile's Purchases tab.

Thank you. This has helped me. Folks may now return to discussing compiling DROD for Linux

Trans Woman (She/Her Pronouns)
119th Skywatcher
05-28-2024 at 07:21 AM
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icon Re: Returning to DROD after a long absence (+3)  
Very much in the same boat here. Leaf's Odyssey has made me crave some monster smiting so I've done my biennial redownloading and attempt to work my way through some holds. I've got no Linux experience, feel like I'm the only trans woman with a windows PC in my friend circle so I'm bucking the trend?

Anyways welcome back.
05-29-2024 at 04:29 PM
View Profile Send Private Message to User Send Email to User Show all user's posts This architect's holds Quote Reply
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icon Re: Returning to DROD after a long absence (-1)  
Ezlo wrote:
Very much in the same boat here. Leaf's Odyssey has made me crave some monster smiting so I've done my biennial redownloading and attempt to work my way through some holds. I've got no Linux experience, feel like I'm the only trans woman with a windows PC in my friend circle so I'm bucking the trend?

Anyways welcome back.

I'm also a trans woman! Yay representation!!!

Trans Woman (She/Her Pronouns)
119th Skywatcher
05-29-2024 at 11:02 PM
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