My plans in full for each level until the end and their theme, kept in secret tags because it's 210 - 25 = 185 levels long!:
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25: Basic mimic puzzles, nothing else like roach hordes attacking you or anything like that
26: A level that's themed like a pinball machine, with you manipulating a mimic through it while dealing with roach hordes
27: A level involving intense roach hordes that are impossible without the aid of mimics
28: A level introducing trapdoors and making more complex mimic puzzles
29: A level involving manipulating mimics through mazes of orbs that will make the room unexitable when you hit them
30: An "evil fortress" level, with a combination of challenging mimic puzzles and difficult monster hordes
31: A level involving tons more mimics than usual, like multiple mimics at the same time
32: A level involving doors that will close after you open them after a certain number of turns
33: A level like level 18, but worse given the new elements introduced
34: A level involving moving around the level in a clockwise direction
35: A level involving tons of small narrow rooms and evil eyes everywhere, like some rooms in level 5 of KDD
36: A level involving tight timers
37: A level involving tighter times than last level, and more complex puzzles
38: A level involving finding a secret path that will make the room easier
39: A level involving more intense fights than earlier levels
40: A level involving four corners each room, with a mini puzzle each corner
41: A level that will have some of section 6's puzzles in it
42: A level that is the most challenging level yet, with the hardest fights and puzzles
43: A level that introduces you to the ice theme and section 6.
44: A level that involves mazes of force arrows everywhere
45: A level that involves more complex puzzles than the last two levels
46: A level that involves mimic manipulation, this time more involved because of the new elements and concepts
47: A level that uses level 17's concepts, but more challenging and larger because of all the new elements and concepts
48: A level that is a revision of level 15, with all the new elements and concepts since then
49: A level that is in the shape of a keychain
50: A level that involves careful removal of broken walls to survive each puzzle
51: A level that introduces serpents
52: A level that has tight timers, especially using serpents stuck in walls
53: A level that involves manipulating serpents through mazes of yellow doors
54: A level involving harder serpent fights than earlier, and a lot more serpents than before
55: A level involving passages of carefully not striking any orbs, as saw earlier, but more challenging given all the new elements and concepts since then
56: A level involving using force arrows to survive hordes that are impossible to survive otherwise, including using the fact serpents can't cross them period
57: A level involving harder fights and puzzles than the last couple levels
58: A level involving having almost no turns to spare, as the timers are so intense
59: A level introducing the basics of tar, but no mothers
60: A level involving tight timers with hard puzzles, including using the newly introduced tar
61: A level involving tons of tar that need to be cut carefully
62: A level that is a simple break from the last couple of levels
63: A level involving 12 serpents, but they're all very difficult to defeat
64: A level involving using small nooks and crannies to survive each room
65: A level involving almost nothing but tar, worse than level 61
66: A level involving fighting monsters near pits, including lots of wraithwings in each room
67: A level involving monster manipulation with mazes
68: A level introducing new concepts, like using orbs and yellow doors in new ways
69: A level involving more difficult hordes than earlier
70: A level involving taking shortcuts, but they're difficult to get through
71: A level involving taking more harder choices than earlier "choice" levels
72: A level involving large monster manipulation mazes
73: A level that is shaped concentrically/with circles in circles
74: A level in a shape of a giant wheel, with a complex puzzle each room
75: A level involving using mimics to fight directly on your side, and introducing spiders
76: A level in the shape of a crossroad, like you see in real life
77: A level involving puzzles that look hard, but have easy and elegant solutions (lynchpins)
78: A level that is a "giant monster factory", with spiders waiting to ambush you everywhere as you deal with horde after horde
79: A level that is a giant maze like KDD level 13, but with less paths so it's easier, but the catch is it's full of puzzles, monsters, and traps for the monsters if you don't go through the level correctly, like levels 23 and 24 but harder
80: A level that involves using your curiosity to solve the puzzles by finding not-obvious solutions (more lynchpins)
81: A level that involves more tricky serpent puzzles than before, especially given the new elements and concepts
82: A level involving a maze like level 79's, but at a weird angle
83: A level that is a straightforward path with traps waiting to ambush you, like KDD level 10 itself was
84: A level involving tons of spider manipulation puzzles
85: A level involving tons of tar and more difficult puzzles than earlier sections
86: A level involving tons of yellow door puzzles and tar
87: A level involving serpent puzzles and tar, sort of like level 63 but harder
88: A level involving tight timers that let you waste not even a single move, all while dealing with tar that has to be carefully cut
89: A level involving worse puzzles and fights than ever
90: A level involving another "level as a boss", using tons of tar for armor
91: A level in the shape of a dragon tail, using all the concepts seen up to then
92: A level that is like Beethro is playing as a pinball in a pinball machine, using all the elements and concepts introduced since the earlier levels. Note this is unlike level 26, which was manipulating someeone else in a pinball machine
93: A level involving tons of wraithwing puzzles
94: A level that is like a hub with complex puzzles in each room
95: A level that is a large maze of yellow, blue, and green doors
96: A level that is the most intense hordes yet
97: A level where you have to make a breakthrough each room, AKA discover its lynchpin
98: A level where there are many paths in each room, but only a few actually work
99: An even worse version of level 96's idea
100: A level that is like a giant raceway with traps everywhere
101: A level that is "find the roaches in the maze and don't trap them accidentally", like level 23 but harder and with more twisty passages
102: A level that is a waste yard of miscallaneous puzzles and monsters, like Flash KDD level 13
103: A level involving finding a safe passage through a deadly maze, like the eye mazes from Claythro's Tower
104: A level involving tons and tons of twisty passages, with monsters and green doors everywhere, so more like the original KDD level 13 but with monsters and green doors added to make it more fun
105: A level that is the "most intermediate" in terms of its difficulty for the hold, given that it's smack dab in the middle of the hold number wise
106: A level that is a long and twisty road, with monsters and puzzles everywhere
107: A level involving you needing to make every step carefully and precisely, or else you fail, and also needing to choose the entrance precisely, like Domain of the Grinfidel's later rooms
108: A level that looks like an earthquake destroyed it
109: A level that tests your combat prowess, harder than earlier levels given the introduction of goblins
110: A level that is another "challenge application of earlier concepts"
111: A level that is like level 27, but much harder given all the new elements introduced since then, including goblins
112: A level that involves using the bizarre ways the level was built to your advantage
113: A level that has architecture that resembles prehistoric times
114: A level that involves tons of pits and trapdoors everywhere
115: A level that forces you to make moves that look suicidal and foolish to win, like that one room in KDD level 14 with the goblins and one trapdoor
116: A level that requires you to be very precise in each move with your sword, especially using goblin manipulation puzzles
117: A level that uses even worse trapdoor puzzles than before, just like KDD level 15
118: A level involving each room set into sections of islands, like JtRH level 2 or level 8 had in some rooms
119: A level that is yet another "challenge application of earlier concepts"
120: A level that is another "boss fight against the level", but this time the level is divided into smaller levels
121: A level that is designed to resemble two spirals, with traps and puzzles everywhere within
122: A level that involves tons of catches, or unexpected traps waiting for you
123: A level that involves tons of hordes done with tight timers
124: A level that is "go aroud the level in a particular fashion" like KDD level 10, but harder given the new elements since level 83
125: A level that has broken pieces of architecture scattered everywhere, but you can use them to your advantage to win
126: A level that is like the harder rooms of KDD level 15, cause it's the last level of section 15.
127: A level that involves hitting two big switches/orbs in each room, but they're guarded by tons of puzzles and monsters
128: A level involving you needing to spin in constant circles to win each room
129: A level that has the worst hordes yet, especially given the new tar mother introduction in level 127
130: A level that is another "no turns to spare" type level, like KDD level 17
131: A level that involves tons and tons of growing tar, like southern KDD level 8
132: A level that is an obstacle course that applies everyting you've seen up to then
133: A level that is even worse than level 131
134: A level that is even worse than level 129
135: Another "boss fight against the level", using all the new concepts since last time
136: Another level involving careful usage of crumbly walls to survive
137: A level that is a conundrum of the most complex puzzles yet, like KDD level 16
138: A level that is the worst hordes yet, with monsters on almost literally every tile
139: A level involving removing barriers to progress through each room
140: A level involving you to be very precise with every single step to survive
141: A level involving the architecture looking distorted, making it almost impossible to get through
142: A level that involves needing to find secrets to succesfully finish the puzzles, like lynchpins
143: A level that is an ultimate adventure, applying everything you've seen up to then
144: A level involving being "on thin ice", which just means carefully stepping on trapdoors to deal with lots of monsters
145: A level that requires you to be very precise with each move, and with zero-turns-to-spare timers
146: A level that requires you to start at a specific point to solve the puzzles, so more lynchpins
147: A level that is even more intense than level 138
148: A level that is nothing short of pure chaos
149: A level involving needing to prove your worth on trials of the most complex puzzles and hordes yet
150: A level involving yet another "a level as the boss", and the hardest one yet
151: A level involving finding random stuff lying on the floor and using it to your advantage, like conveniently placed force arrows
152: A level involving a special type of orb and door puzzle
153: A level that is the hardest puzzles yet, like KDD level 19
154: A level that involves needing to find a hidden solution to win each room
155: A level that lets you take between paths, but each path has to be taken to win
156: A level that is a fight against the 3 most intelligent serpents yet
157: A level that involves the most complex "avoid the orbs" puzzles yet
158: A level that each room is shaped like a hook
159: A level that is a "garden of evil", but worse than section 7's given the introduction of brains as well as all the other new monsters like tar mothers and goblins
160: A level that looks "off-road" compared to the earlier levels, but still needs to be beat to win the hold
161: A level involving the most difficult puzzles yet, exploiting brain quirks, like KDD level 20's puzzles
162: A level that is a park full of monsters and brains, and every move counts to survive
163: Another level that requires you to turn your sword very precisely each move
164: A level that has even worse puzzles than level 161
165: A level that is another ultimate fight
166: A level that has odd angles in its architecture, which must be used to win
167: A level that requires you to explore around to win, and the solutions aren't obvious
168: A level that is an ultimate bloodshed, like KDD level 21
169: A level that is just a worse version of level 168
170: A level that involves even more complicated "don't touch the orb" puzzles
171: A level that is just a bunch of really hard puzzles using the ice theme to make it look pretty
172: A level using force arrows to your advantage to deal with impossible to deal with otherwise hordes, like level 56 but much harder
173: A level involving needing to back track rather than finishing each room in one sitting
174: An ultimate garden of evil, given the theme of this section is "brained hordes coming at you from every direction"
175: A level that involves you needing to be precise with every step or be killed
176: A level that is just like the last one, but with even more complicated puzzles
177: A level that is yet another "fight against the level", and this one uses the brained hordes to its full advantage
178: A level involving narrow corridors and the hardest puzzles yet, with tons of manipulating many mimics at once
179: A level that has an obviously tempting solution each room, but if you take the room becomes impossible
180: An even worse "ultimate fight" than ever before, given the introduction of using tons of mimics at once to survive
181: A level that has the most complex puzzles yet
182: A level that has even more "hidden/secret solutions" in it
183: A level that is an even worse version of level 100's speedway, given everything new since then
184: A level that is just a taste of the worst sections yet that end the hold
185: A level that is navigating "a river of fire", AKA tons of pits and wraithwings everywhere
186: A level that is fire themed
187: A level involving Beethro resembling flying, given how there's pits on almost every single tile
188: A level involving needing to take very rapid turns with your sword
189: A level that is an ultimate reflex tester, with both how you step as well as how you turn like last level
190: A level that involves needing to analyze the mini map to pass
191: A level that involves "fast run with no turns wasted", but worse than ever before
192: A level that involves back tracking, but worse than ever before
193: A level that involves needing to constantly move to survive
194: A level involving worse hordes than ever before
195: A level involving manipulating enemies, but they will be both hostile and useful at the same time, depending on how the puzzle is set up
196: A level that is nothing short of "ultimate doom on you", with the most intense hordes and puzzles yet
197: A level that demands the most perfect run ever, with absolutely zero turns to wait or waste, like KDD level 24 and 21 had in some rooms
198: A level that requires you to concentrate closely to solve each room, as the puzzles are the most complex
199: A level that is literally "under the sun", cause there's a giant yellow door recreation of a sun drawing in the top left corner; it's just a more intense version of level 196 however
200: A level involving the most mind twisting puzzles yet, hence why the level is named "Mind Games". The good news is it's the last level of the second-to-last section, and the ultimate showdown starts after this
201: A level that requires you to have the quickest movement yet, given how fast the final boss is
202: A level that involves tons of currents of force arrows everywhere
203: A level that is an ultimate showcase of everything, including using the new boss monster
204: A level that contrasts the simpler puzzles of earlier with the brain-melting intensity of the current section
205: A level that has seemingly no exit, but you can find it if you do some tricks first
206: A level that has the most involved puzzles yet, even worse than level 200
207: A level that is an "ultimate army" level, worse than even level 199
208: A level that is pure insanity in every step, nothing more and nothing less
209: A level that is a revision of earlier rooms in the hold with worse difficulty, especially given the earlier sections didn't have the boss making everything that much harder
210: The ultimate showdown with the worst puzzles and hordes of the entire hold, but the good news is you kill the boss and win the hold if you get through them in one piece.
These are all great ideas for the rest of the hold?
[Last edited by azb at 02-12-2024 09:35 PM : Asking if they're great ideas outside the secret tag, so the reader doesn't have to read every single idea, cause there's 185 of them!]