Elementary Dungeon (+2)
Hi everyone,
I remember Bongthro Begins wasn't very succesful as a beginner friendly hold and felt more like KDD or war style holds, so here is something I believe that should be a more reasonable beginner friendly hold that is in the style of actual GatEB and not KDD.
So far, I have only completed the first 2 levels, and I want it to be a 25 level dungeon like KDD or JtRH, but using elements from all DRODs, including GatEB and TSS.
The plan for each level is:
Level 1: Introduce roaches, orbs, yellow doors, force arrows, disabled force arrows, pressure plates, green and blue doors, checkpoints, and tunnels.
Level 2: Introduce roach queens, crumbly wall usage in combat, Halph, arrow rotator tokens, and Gentryii
Level 3: Introduce evil eyes, Slayers, hot tiles, disarm tokens, and the stick weapon
Level 4: Introduce sister gates, trapdoors and red doors, briar, mimics, and engineers
Level 5: Introduce wraithwings, wubbas, fegundoes and power token usage beside fegundo control (like hitting orbs disarmed), and thin ice
Level 6: Introduce rock golems, mirrors, and spears. Also uses the theme of repeating the same puzzle but with an added twist from KDD level 6.
Level 7: Introduce serpents, invisibility potions, adders, conquer tokens, and puffs and fluff (no vents yet though).
Level 8: Introduce tar (no mothers yet, just stationary tar cutting), orthosquares, movable platforms over pits, and seeding beacons.
Level 9: Introduce stealth without using the invisiblity potion, like Gunthro in a guard disguise, as well as floor spikes.
Level 10: Introduce shallow water, black doors including their sister gate, spiders, water skippers and nests, bridges, and pickaxes.
Level 11: Introduce the vision token, stuff under tar puzzles, bombs and fuses, and powder kegs.
Level 12: Introduce tar mothers, citizens and the persistent citizen token, and temporal split tokens. Also emphasize more difficult puzzles from this level onward.
Level 13: Introduce maze layouts, goblins, clone potions, and the dagger.
Level 14: Introduce mud, scripted sword sentries like TCB Torture Chambers, squad horns/clone horns, and Temporal Aumtlich.
Level 15: Introduce decoys, oremites, and Temporal Resonator Crystals. Also emphasize a lot of monster-free puzzles in this one level like KDD level 15.
Level 16: Introduce mud mothers, rattlesnakes, gel, and the caber.
Level 17: Introduce seep, speed potions, and the Rodents of Unusual Size/Lemming monsters. Also emphasize efficiency and horde survival like KDD level 17 as well as TCB level 17/Pirate Hideout.
Level 18: Introduce playing as step-to-kill player roles, like goblins or Slayers, as well as fire traps. There will be even more difficult puzzles from this level onward, just like how it progress normally in all the official holds.
Level 19: Introduce brains, normal/purple robed aumtlich, and constructs. Also emphasize monster manipulation heavily, like KDD level 19.
Level 20: Introduce gel mothers, stalwarts and soldiers, and Temporal Obstacles from the final required level of TSS.
Level 21: Introduce Rock Giants and fluff vents. This level emphasizes brained hordes and bomb mazes, just like KDD and JtRH 21.
Level 22: Introduce tarstuff switch tokens, as well as soldier horns and flowers from TSS Flower Bed. Also emphasize cooperation with monsters in this level.
Level 23: Introduce builders from TCB Upper Lowest, as well as Darts from TSS. Note the puzzles will be the most difficult yet in the last few levels.
Level 24: Introduce the builder boss from TCB Lowest Proper, except it won't be Halph this time. Also introduce the Raygun. The emphasis in this level will be extremely difficult combat rooms, whereas Level 23 would be more lynchpin/normal puzzles.
Level 25: Introduce the KDD 'Neather, guards, and broken and cracked orbs. This level can be thought of as a "final boss battle" that involves both lynchpin puzzles as well as straight up combat.
08/18/2023 Update:
Fixed entrance room to level 3 to make it more beginner friendly, and the hot tile intro room as well for the same reason.
Added force arrows in the Slayer intro room to prevent the player from leaving and going back to clear the room without the Slayer.
07/06/2024 Update:
Added level 4.
[Last edited by azb at 07-06-2024 11:00 PM : Added level 4]