I participated in the
7DRL 2023 Challenge over the past week. I had 7 days to make a roguelike game and submit it.
My game is a deckbuilder. Killing enemies gives materials and experience, both of which lead into gain or modifying cards. It was a great learning experience, and I'm glad I participated.
Unfortunately, my game didn't have quite enough time. There are a few known issues, the worst of which is probably that upgraded cards don't show their upgrades anywhere. Since I only found out about the event when there were five and a half days remaining, I'll probably do one more day to update it and try to fix things. There are a few features that were planned but never ended up being implemented, so I'd like to see how much more I can get done with one more day. The scope of the game was deliberately kept small to conform to the one-week time limit, so barring bug and balance fixes I doubt I'll be doing much more with the project after putting in one more day.
Here's a link to the game page on itch.io. It's playable in the browser, so you shouldn't need to download anything to give the game a try. The download is also free if you want a desktop version.
106th Skywatcher