I love the music, hits all those PC-98-ish Etrian Odyssey vibes that my brain is all about. Heavy Viper did a fantastic job with it! It is a bit of a short loop and I kind of wish there were more variants around, though.
The art has been a lot of me learning as I go, really happy people are digging the environment/spritework!
Though, believe it or not, the character art used to be _considerably_ worse. I'm not satisfied with it in its current stat either, but I need more practice to draw better. (or find someone else to do it, ahaha)
The logs seem a bit hit and miss with people, I'll be keeping that in mind. Likely redoing progression a little bit for the full thing.
I absolutely should have a note about being unable to parry, for some reason it just slipped my mind and most people seemed to just trial and error past it once. An "
Oops, well, guess I can't do that like this. Moving on!"
sort of thing.
Smooth/responsive control is very important to me, so I spent a fair bit of time iterating on it to make sure it's easy to control with whatever you use. Rebinding's an important feature to have to please use whatever's comfortable. (I should probably put a note in that numpad 5 only works if you have numlock on though. thanks html5...)
Appreciate the feedback! It helps, and glad people are enjoying it.
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