I tested this script with spiders in all four corners. With _MyX at 37 it does not get the eastmost row. That's the point of confusion.
I don't believe that _MyY is causing any issues, since the bottom row does get cleared when the X variable is limited such that it's insufficient. It's possible the script is aborting after doing all the rows, but that doesn't affect the script's functionality itself if it does since it would still be covering everything.
Actually, looking at this again, I think I suddenly see the issue. Complain and solve at work in scripting too, I guess.
I wasn't updating _MyScriptX to be equal to _MyX due to the way the final column was being checked. The script works now.
Fixed script:
Click here to view the secret text
Set var "_MyScriptX" = -9999
Set var "_MyScriptY" = -9999
Set var "_MyX" = 0
Set var "_MyY" = 0
Label SubLoopStart
If ...
Wait until var "_MyY" = 32
Set var "_MyY" = 0
Go to LoopEnd
If End
Set var "_MyScriptX" = _MyX
Set var "_MyScriptY" = _MyY
Label Check for Spider
If ...
Wait for entity type Spider,0,0,0,0
Attack tile 0,0,Kill
If End
Set var "_MyX" + 1
Set var "_MyScriptX" = _MyX
If ...
Wait until var "_MyX" = 37
If ...
Wait for entity type Spider,0,0,0,0
Attack tile 0,0,Kill
If End
Set var "_MyX" = 0
Set var "_MyY" + 1
If End
Go to SubLoopStart
Label LoopEnd
Apparently this issue has been sitting on my computer since October 29, 2019. Well, at least it's done now. I was really excited about this hold, so maybe I'll actually get some architecture done again soon.
106th Skywatcher