Did an impure run of Sword. It was basically my first time in this tower and I was coming in fresh. I got impatient when things slowed down at the end, and I rushed through the last few floors to get silver at the second scorepoint.
Then for the nexus area, I realized
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×it looks like I'll either need a moon medal or I'll need to do this all again, saving medals to near the end to get into the nexus...
I realize it's unclear exactly how many medals I'll need to save for that point. I could do a pure run, though to be efficient, I may wait till I have a moon before seeking out the nexus challenge area.
subanark wrote:
Looking good. Any thoughts on where you will try and get moon from?
Thanks! Good question! It feels this would be a huge accomplishment and it's definitely the next major goal on my radar.
Looks like I don't have too many options at my disposal, and Coliseum seemed like it would be the easiest one for this. (I haven't yet played the three other later towers that offer moon, but as they're all rated as larger and more difficult than Coliseum, getting moon from them feels quite intimidating at present.)
Based on my early performance in Coliseum, it's difficult to judge how close or far I am (both knowledge-wise and stats-wise) from reaching the end, and from scoring moon. Meanwhile, I decided to get a few more medals and sunstones under my belt before reattempting.
You have a ton of experience. May I request advice on how to complete Coliseum and what you would recommend for obtaining my first moon?
Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.