Here's another demo pack for the 2nd level
"Keep the Monster Alive". I'll try to test out the third one soon. These rooms are very packed and often feel like they could be stretched out into multiple rooms. Maybe that's the effect you're going for. The end result though is that I basically feel like I can do about four of these rooms in one sitting before needing a break. I didn't try too hard to break things, but I did at least try to make sure that the end-of-room-widgets actually require me to keep the monster alive. Checkpoints probably are okay? I'm always bad at telling.
1E: Tried this one first. Slayer Manipulation is maybe not the most popular puzzle niche, but I count myself as one of the few folks into these kinds of puzzles. I liked a lot of the bits of this room at least. Getting past the fire trap, double hitting the orbs, and killing the last eye were all pretty fun and relied on fairly standard slayer tricks. Getting the eye on that pressure plate though. Man, that was fiddly. I'm not sure if you're looking for a super specific magic manipulation here, but I'm pretty sure the sloppy mess that I ended up with ain't it. I
really wish there had been more room in that area around the pressure plate at (28,12), that would have made this room about ten times more enjoyable.
1S: This one was nice and approachable. I like that both parts had a bit of leeway and that the roach timers weren't any stricter.
1N: Felt like three separate rooms. The first and last chunks involved fairly standard manipulation tricks, though the requirement of dispatching with everything while standing in the same vertical column was fairly neat I suppose. But the meat of the room was definitely the middle section with the rafts, and honestly if that section was a room on its own it would be a super cool one. I guess it's all a mater of personal taste though if you like having a lot of stuff going on in each room. I want to emphasize that the raft bit was super cool though. I definitely had to take some time to work out a functioning strategy for this one.
1W: Now we get four rooms in one. Adder section was fairly straightforward. The second bit with the guards gave me some trouble, but mostly because I was tired and stubbornly refused to actually think about it. Muddled through that section by dancing around until something worked. I really liked the third bit and the end with the trap doors and bombs.
1S1W: Sweet Jeebus there's a secret room too? You give me a choice at the beginning of whether to bring the goblin with me and use the aumltich on the plate or vice versa. I took the goblin with me since it really looks like that's the only thing I'll ever be able to get onto the pressure plate at (23,8). Also, there are a ton of other aumtlich I could have access to in the room so it seems logical that I'd need the goblin I suppose. I may be mistaken and it may be possible to do with wither one which would be pretty cool. But if not you run the risk of players assuming either one would be okay (or just not seeing what the roadblock is) and then bashing their heads against the room not realizing they are already in a fail state. This kind of "
may be fun for some, but is super annoying for a lot of folks.
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