Here's a script! Just create a custom character, name it "
, and Ctrl-C ->
Ctrl-Shift-B to copy/paste it in.
Click here to view the secret text
Label _TOP
Set var "_MyX" = 0
Set var "_MyY" = 0
Label Read room
If ...
Wait until var "_MyY" < 31
If ...
Wait until var "_MyX" < 37
GoSub Am I surrounded by a 3x3 block of briar?
Set var "_MyX" + 1
Go to Read room
If End
Set var "_MyX" = 0
Set var "_MyY" + 1
Go to Read room
If End
Set var "_MyScriptX" = -9999
Wait 0
Go to _TOP
Label Am I surrounded by a 3x3 block of briar?
Set var "_MyScriptX" = _MyX - 1
Set var "_MyScriptY" = _MyY - 1
Set var "_RoomImageX" = 0
Label Briar check loop
If ...
Wait until var "_MyScriptY" < (_MyY + 2)
If ...
Wait until var "_MyScriptX" < (_MyX + 2)
If ...
Wait for item Withered briar,0,0,0,0
Set var "_RoomImageX" + 1
If End
Set var "_MyScriptX" + 1
Go to Briar check loop
If End
Set var "_MyScriptX" = _MyX - 1
Set var "_MyScriptY" + 1
Go to Briar check loop
If End
Set var "_MyScriptX" = _MyX
Set var "_MyScriptY" = _MyY
If ...
Wait until var "_RoomImageX" = 9
Build Briar root,0,0,0,0
If End
Sadly, it doesn't work, and I'm not sure why. If someone more versed than I would come along and fix its problems, I would be thankful.
And here's the code to make it a default script. Have a character in the room run this:
Click here to view the secret text
Start global script Butch32
This code works!
[Last edited by superluminal at 02-17-2018 07:26 PM]