I know the crystal is in the monastary, I can sneak in the window but can't actually open the case.
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×Look for a bird which likes shiny objects:
Also, I don't know how to get the item that the Raven is holding where the goblins sit. I've tried everything.
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×Talk to Taliesin the bard who'll give you a hint
I know the pumpkin is in the patch. I actually just had an idea about giving the scarecrow the brain in the jar, and maybe that will help.
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×Give it a go

No idea where the rodent is.
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×You'll come across this later when you get the village cleared out of the goblins
I also know I need to do something with the giant, I was able to solve the first two parts, but I can't figure out where to find a bird. I was told there should be a bird somewhere laying there but I can't find one.
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×Try the beach, the screen just north of the mercenary camp, or the waterfall (I think those are the three locations the bird spawns). It might not be so obvious on the north beach screen
I was also able to see that the jeweler has my belt by a small accident, but I don't know how to get it. I got the offer, and I have a pot of gold but can't buy it back.
I'm a little surprised you can't buy this one with the pot of gold, but that said,
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×you might want to keep the pot for someone else if you wish to solve the faerie's puzzle.