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File: Super power.hold (43.1 KB)
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icon Super power (0)  
I suggest you to not try this level for the moment, except if you are curious, or if you want to understand my script for help me.
If anyone want help me to create some level, I accept with pleasure. I think there is a lot of stuff possible with the 'simple' rule of this special command.

It's a scripted level.
Actually it's more 90% script/10% level.
I suggest you to not read more and try the hold for I know if the tutorial is good or not.

It's a normal level except for one thing.
When you press the special command, one thing will happen depending on how your sword is turned.
For example, if you have your sword pointed at the North, you will move 4x faster until you press the special command again.
And there will be 8 power like this.

And it's not all, I have create a really complicated room where you will be able to swap your power, for example, you could choose to have your dash on the South instead of the North.

And... Some power are cancel when you wait one turn and not when you press the special command again. So you can (with some restrictions) have 2, even 3 power active at the same time!

My script :
Click here to view the secret text

Order of scripts :
Click here to view the secret text

Change log :
Click here to view the secret text

Known bug/Things to change :
Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Romain673 at 12-22-2017 04:52 PM]
12-03-2017 at 01:55 AM
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Level: Goblin
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Registered: 08-18-2017
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icon Re: Questions about global script (0)  
I have some question for my future hold, 1&2 are more important than others.
I will rename this subject and write again on it when the hold will be ready.

1) Is there a way to start a script without starting it for other rooms of the hold ?
The script can be waiting for instruction when the player leave the level.
(actually, I have created a global script who start first and who set a variable 'Start' at 0. Then, each script start with a 'if start=0, then do nothing, else do some others things'. And each script have a different variable that I can set to 1 if I want the specific script for the level. But it seem really not efficient.
And I doesn't want to add a character for each of the different script I want to run for every level. But perhaps it's more simple like this...)

2) I want to know if there is a wall next to an obstacle.
I used many 'Wait for item Obstacle at (0,0)-(0,31)' for knowing the X position of the Obstacle, the same amount for knowing Y, and then I search manually (=8 times) for a wall.
Is there a more simple way ?
Can I search a specific obstacle ? Because actually I can't put any other obstacle on my hold ?

3) Is there some lagging problem when you run ~30 scripts at once ?
If yes, should I reduce the amount of scripts, or reduce the time passed on each loop ?

4) Recently, one of the character of a level loose everything he could say on his script. Is it a known bug ? Have I done something ? My others scripts didn't change.
Click here to view the secret text

5) Not based on script but on gameplay, what can I do after a 'set player Stealth on' that I can't do when the stealth is off ?
I can 'not activate evil eyes', move wherever I want, and not activate queens.
Is there some others easy things ?

Thanks if someone take time to answer to these questions :P

[Last edited by Romain673 at 12-03-2017 02:03 AM]
12-03-2017 at 01:55 AM
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icon Re: Questions about global script (0)  
If you want a script that runs for one room but not another, well, don't use a global script. Just slap down a character and program it directly. Use the "End" or "End on room exit" command to make sure it never runs again.

Here's one way to do it:
Click here to view the secret text

Every time your code finds an obstacle, run this code. It will check every tile around the obstacle for a wall. No, you cannot search for a specific obstacle.

Depends on the scripts. It probably won't matter, but try to be efficient no matter what.

I'm afraid I don't understand your question. You should copy your entire script the same way I did for answer 2. You can do this if you highlight the script, press ctrl-B, then come back to a post and press ctrl-v. You will have copied and pasted the script. You can put ["code"] tags around the script to keep it formatted.

While stealthed, the player can walk in front of evil eyes without waking them up; roach queens, waterskipper nests, and tarstuff mothers won't spawn; and monsters won't pursue the player. Killing a monster or stepping on a power token will turn stealth off again.

12-03-2017 at 07:25 AM
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Dragon Fogel
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icon Re: Questions about global script (0)  
More specifically on that last point: while the player is stealthed, monsters other than puffs won't move at all unless there's a decoy near them or a stalwart/soldier in the room. And even then, they won't treat the player as a target.
In addition, the stealth effect is only broken by direct kills from the player's weapon. You can set off bombs or push monsters wherever you please (including into pits or other deadly terrain) without breaking it.
12-03-2017 at 05:20 PM
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Level: Goblin
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Registered: 08-18-2017
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icon Re: Questions about global script (0)  
Thanks for the answers !

4 wasn't important for the moment : it only happen one time. I will hope it doesn't happen again.

@Dragon : Yeah I saw the break of stealth effect and it annoyed myself : against that, i just set the stealth of the player each turn and put a time limit of 10 turns. I found that, way more interresting.
12-03-2017 at 06:02 PM
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Level: Goblin
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icon Re: Questions about global script (0)  
Some others questions :

6) I read somewhere that I shouldn't put too many room on one level.
But does empty room count ? Can I create a giant level with ~30% of level with no ennemies/orb ?
(Actually, my main level have 45 rooms with ~35 'empty' :/)

7) Is there a simple way to start again a script who already started then ended on the room ?
(Actually, I'm going to not end the script but putting it on an infinite loop until one variable change)

8) I tried recently (without success) to change by a wall (and only a wall) some specific tile. On these tiles there was : a seeding beacon, a character type brain, and an arrow.
Apparently, you can remove the seeding beacon by a pit, but there is an annoying sound.
I don't arrive to do anything with the character, I need to change something on his script if I want he disappear on some situations ?
And for the arrow, the 42 on the link doesn't work for me. And the others things I tried doesn't work too...
12-10-2017 at 10:29 AM
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Level: Delver
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icon Re: Questions about global script (0)  
What purpose do those empty rooms serve? Hallways are fine. Vast swaths of nothingness are not. Don't bore your players. The point of the game is to solve puzzles, not wander the void.

No. Once a script ends, it ends for good. Either have your script wait until a condition is met, or just start a new script.

Elements are grouped into four(ish) categories: the Wall tab, the Arrow tab, the Orb tab, and the Roach tab. You can't have two elements from the same tab share the same tile, which is why building a pit removes the wall that used to be there.

You can remove force arrows with the Build: Remove Floor Item command.

You should be able to remove seeding beacons with the Build: Remove Item script, but you can't. It's a bug. Your best bet is to have a Build: Pit command, followed immediately by a Build: Floor command. There's an annoying sound, but it's the only workaround I can think of.

12-10-2017 at 11:14 AM
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Level: Goblin
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Registered: 08-18-2017
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icon Re: Questions about global script (0)  
6) I should not have said that. I tried to create a giant map, and aftere putting monsters and levels on it, instead of the opposite.
So with time, there will be less and less 'empty room'.
I wanted some backtracking where you need to test some levels for knowing what level you need to/should do first.

7&8) Ok ty.
12-11-2017 at 01:50 AM
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Level: Goblin
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Registered: 08-18-2017
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icon Re: Super power (0)  
Hold and details on first post.
Yeah it's a lot of questions this time. But there is many questions only for optimasation.

Thanks per advance if you take time to answer me. You can check the hold for understand what I want exactly before answer me :

9) After one test, I have seen that apparently, when you start a global scipt, it start after every other script.
If it's the case it's very annoying because
at the first room of the hold I have 'set var unlock_1_dash=-9999',
I have another global script with 'if (unlock_1_dash>=0) then (do things)',
and when the player arrive on one specific room, I have a script who start with 'unlock_1_dash=1'.
And I want the (do things) happen at the first move, not second :(

What can I do ? Add a 'Wait 0 turn(s)' at the start of the second script... It's ok, but I would like something else.

But I got another thing strange, I add a 'Wait 0 turn(s)' (the first one) on my General script, and it seem to work, even at the first turn.

10) For script '-Threath clock' : Is there a way to keep tracking of the last 10 positions (x, y, o) of a character except by using 30 variable ?

11) My 'Puffs' script create 10 puffs at right of the player.
But if there is an ennemy on this 10 tiles, the script will stop, wait for the ennemy to move to another line, then will do the rest of the puff.
I don't think it's an interresting mechanic to use. So I would like to not having that. I can check for any monsters on each tile, but is there another simple solution ?

12) Is it annoying to create <10 entity out of the screen ? Or not at all ?

13) My 'Dash' script make the player move 4x faster than usual. (*) I try to find wall on the first of the forth move. If I found one, I stop the dash. If I didn't, I start againt at (*). And I do that 4 times.
I have many problems :
a) The yellow doors, the arrow : they let the player pass through them. (I can check each build individually, but there is perhaps something better)
And for the arrow, it need to depend of the direction of the arrow...
b) The trapdoor : they doesn't activate (wasn't totally a bad thing).
c) The tunnel : they only work nicely when I stand on them (first action). Else, they will just ignore it.
d) The aumtlich : this one is really more annoying. The aumtlich will stop the first step of the dash, but I have no clue to how not let the player move when an aumtlich is on him.
e) The evil eyes : I really liked the mechanical here, so if you have a solution for both a-b-c-d, I would like to keep the fact that you can pass on a eye without activate it.
f) Platforms : Would be really nice if I was able to move a platform 4x faster : same than the aumtlich, idk at all how to do that. I can saw one solution but it’s really too long to do (check for platform, pit, water, and move everything manually: it’s perhaps impossible since apparently you can’t use _MyScriptF for these platforms).

14) Is there a simple way to make the player attack twice on a turn instead of once? Instead of checking his _X, _Y, _O, and then attacking enemy?
I used that on my dash script.

15) Is there a simple way to remove all/some sentences on the game?
I think the 'Dash activated!', 'Dash removed!', 'Stealth activated!' can be annoying if you play a lot this level.

And for the gameplay :
16) 1N2E : Do you prefer have two different doors who open and close at the same time, or like i do here, one door who are really more high ? (same with the trapdoor)

17) 1N3E : Initially, guards played before the dash. So the guard was able to stop the dash if you dashed straight to him. I changed that... But it could be interresting, i don't know.

18) 3N2E/4N2E : It's the second time I want to put a roach inreachable, so you need a brain for let the roach escape.
But the first thing I do when I want something unreachable, is to put arrow. But my roach ignore totally the arrow.
What can I do instead, when I want that (=simple mechanical for force a brain) ?
Perhaps trapdoor single use+door. If the player want to go where is the roach, either he can't, either he is stuck.

19) 3N2E seem to easy for me.

20) If you have any idea I take them, I need actually :
- one more power, on northest
- how will work the wall with the brain : I need something different than just 4 wall. Who are better than the 4wall in some situation, and less good in some others.
Perhaps some wall really more far. Or just a line or column…

[Last edited by Romain673 at 12-13-2017 08:16 PM]
12-13-2017 at 07:55 PM
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Resert On
Level: Delver
Rank Points: 37
Registered: 05-02-2017
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File: Super power RO.demo (5.1 KB)
Downloaded 45 times.
License: Public Domain
icon Re: Super power (0)  
There has typo in 1N1E:
Click here to view the secret text

And in 1N1E has one force arrow (17,31) that seems unaffected by orb.

There has few typo in 2S1E:
Click here to view the secret text

I have attached demo too.

Click here to view the secret text

[Last edited by Resert On at 12-14-2017 01:21 AM]
12-14-2017 at 01:16 AM
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Level: Goblin
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Registered: 08-18-2017
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icon Re: Super power (0)  
Thanks, i did some changes.
There is still 8 more levels at the north of 3E if you haven't noticed that.
12-14-2017 at 02:16 AM
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