Error 3N2E: Add conquer token to (17,2) (intended solution is to kill aumtlich on hot tile).
Deviation 1N1W add green door to (17-18,31).
Deviation 1W: Add trapdoor over water and staff token to both entry spaces (17-18,0) to force clearing room w/staff. Can remove token at (17,1).
Deviation 2W: remove NPC from (37,2) (relic from previous puzzle setup)
Issue 1N1E: has issues

Move yellow door at (1-4,1) down one row and add conquer token to (1,1), forcing use of keg or fegundo to hold down plate to open yellow door. No more hanging out down low and quickly exiting to the south
Issue 2N2E: I don't know how unpredictable/erratic my amateur scripting could make this room so I'm OK if you think it'd be better becoming unrequired. In retrospect, the whole gentryii/aumtlich thing should've been a cut scene. But I'd have likely made a mess of that, or else would need a month to cobble it together
Chaco commented that a few of my rooms rely on not-obvious scripting (like the above) and could benefit from warning scrolls. Fine by me, although in Error 1N1E, when I made it, I figured since there are only two orbs in the room, the player is bound to try striking both, the second of which triggers the script. But I can see how it's misleading if you first click on orbs/doors to see how they're linked.
I was going to ask to rename the entry "
since in my hold submission the title pairs nicely with each level name on the entry screens (all are phrases), but since the entire hold has a different name, I guess it's a moot point.
Lastly, I haven't heard back from Mike Rimer about using the music we discussed privately (I PM'd a few days ago but I wouldn't expect this would be high on his - or anyone's - To Do list), and while it'd be neat to include if permitted, it's not a huge priority as far as promoting the hold goes, imo. If I hear anything before you submit the hold, I'll let you know.
Do you want me to make these changes and re-upload my entry or is it easier for you to just alter the rooms yourself?