mrshabi wrote:
OK I am having trouble again. I have gotton through the first orb and for the life of me can't find a position when I hit the 2nd orb to fight off all the monsters without getting myself killed...over and over again. Any suggestions?
This one is always just about too hard for me. I barely squeak by in a few places. Hold on, I'm gonna go play it again...
...and Oneiromancer posted while I was replaying the room. Oh well, now I'm committed, so here are my recommendations:
room pic
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×It sounds like you already got the skills to get to point 1. Naturally, all accessible monsters should be killed off before you strike the nearby orb.
This next hint is probably the lynchpin for you.
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×Like Oni says, beeline for that chamber the goblin is in (point 2). I moved there with my sword pointing north to get the goblin out of my way. If you sit in that corner square (at the point 2 marker) the goblin will eventually come back inside the chamber where you kill him.
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×Come out of the chamber right after you finish a wave. I think it is easiest to exit north (point 3) while fending off attacks from two directions.
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×Kill the remaining queens in 4, 5, 6 order. Though you have to go further to reach point 4, you will basically "get your back to the wall" and have roaches coming from one direction. Easier.
No doubt this is more than you need. (Once I start typing, I can't stop!) Now I better get back to DROD coding.
The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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