Briareos wrote:
Tim wrote:
I think May 15 is a good candidate as well. 
What happened?
May 16th, May 17th, May 18th, May 19th, May 20th, May 21st, May 22nd... *ducks*
*Rises up with a
big pen*. I point it at you menacingly.
Compare and contrast the structure, assembly and function of bacterial flagellae and pili"
. You have 90 minutes: Go!
Yeah, I did get locked away in my room revising various things about bacteria, parasites and the immune system for the last two weeks, so yes, I couldn't DROD, and yes, someone's probably gone away and stolen all my #1s. I doubt knowing that the Eighth is a 3-torus, or that roach saliva probably contains numerous digestive bacteria, would have been of much use to my examiners.
But I've mostly finished now, so I promise, I will get the Illumination I have half-finished out to you.
No, really; I mean it!
Resident Medic/Mycologist