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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Yep, take as much time as you need just to finish it and make us happy! :)
05-21-2018 at 11:15 AM
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
01-11-2019 at 10:39 PM
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File: Deadlocks.ley (24.2 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Hello again,

I still love Leylines, but I’ve noticed a few critical bugs in the Steam version that need urgent attention.

Switching Attacks: It’s not possible to switch between ranged and melee attacks. Although there seems to be a button for switching, it doesn't work. This can cause you to lose a battle that should have been an easy win, e.g. when you're forced to attack an archer with a weak magical attack.

Invalid Ranged Attacks: Ranged attacks are sometimes allowed and even forced on invalid targets. For example, living units are being damaged by the priest's exorcism attack, which shouldn't happen.

Deadlock Issue: The above issue can cause deadlocks, like when two lichs fight each other. They keep using ineffective attacks until one side flees.

Game freezes:The game sometimes freezes at the end of turn. I included a savegame (deadlocks.ley) where this happens. Likely related to this potential deadlock.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 06-10-2024 05:40 PM]
06-10-2024 at 09:54 AM
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File: Crash.ley (24.5 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
The game also crashes sometimes. In the attached savegame, if you press End Turn you will often get a crash.
Sometimes the game does not crash, but something else goes wrong: one of the four lunar shapeshifters changes alignment, and disappears when you click on it.

A different bug that can be seen here is that new Theria cities often start with a road.

In addition, one of the lunar shapeshifters incorrectly gained Steelskin after healing from a wound.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 06-10-2024 05:37 PM]
06-10-2024 at 05:33 PM
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File: NatureBonded.ley (10.3 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Checking city growth crashes the game when you picked Nature Bonded as your talent.
Here is a savegame where it happens. Go to Nairobi, right click on farmers to reproduce.
06-11-2024 at 01:54 AM
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File: Buildqueue.ley (11.1 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Build queues do not work.

In this savegame the option is enabled. To reproduce, enter the city and order to build a cloud sculpture. Close the build menu and open it again. The first order is now to build a Javelineer.
06-11-2024 at 02:02 AM
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File: Theria.ley (24.7 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Tireless does not work. All units behave as if they are tireless. Here is a savegame to reproduce. Attack the one raider archer with the large army and afterwards the ornithopter can still move.

This savegame can also be used to reproduce invalid ranged attacks. Attack the dwarf city with the large army and the Slayers will damage living units with ranged exorcism attacks.
The same battle will also show a different bug. The slayers will attack the Ornithopter when it sits in the back row.

This savegame also showcases a major balance problem. Raiders are out of control, even at lower difficulty settings. Probably because they are not limited by upkeep and can produce units nonstop.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 06-11-2024 02:58 AM]
06-11-2024 at 02:54 AM
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File: Visions.ley (28.5 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Visions does not work, it crashes the game. Savegame with a ready unit added for reproduction.
06-11-2024 at 04:44 PM
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File: Imitate.ley (28.8 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Trying to imitate a bulky unit crashes the game. Imitate the cloudship in this savegame to reproduce.
Trying to clone a bulky unit with a doppelganger likewise crashes the game.

(This savegame also shows that slaves can be copied with doppelgangers. That may or may not have been an oversight, but given how difficult it is to set up I don't think it is a problem.)

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 06-12-2024 06:55 AM]
06-11-2024 at 08:35 PM
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File: Spellfail.ley (31.4 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Casting spells (not instant) often fails if there is a lot of combat / movement going on at the start of the turn. The game seems to forget to let you choose a target.

This savegame is an example. I was casting Moonpath, but it gets interrupted by several combats and the spell is lost.

Note as well in this savegame: Regency raider cities produce human units (archers)

Another issue is that Revenant units no longer revert back to level 1 when they become undead, so you can get level 2+ undead units.
Related: undead also get the plague in the Sirthe campaign map (possibly intentional?).

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 06-12-2024 09:56 PM]
06-12-2024 at 07:53 PM
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File: Nothidden.ley (15.1 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
In this savegame, the enemy trailblazer to the south should be hidden (both because of Ranger and because he's in a tower), but isn't. Perhaps it is because there used to be a Hunting Lodge in the city, but it has been demolished.

It seems that towers never hide units, while the description says they do. Edit: on further testing, a tower sometimes does hide your unit from other players, but it doesn't get the (hidden) tag when you view it.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 07-08-2024 08:51 AM]
06-22-2024 at 01:04 PM
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File: Talentswitch.ley (20.9 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Talent Switch doesn't work, the spell has no effect.
See the savegame to test this easily.

When casting Moonpath, the road often (but not always) becomes invisible to yourself.
The number of moves needed to travel over a moonpath is displayed incorrectly when you hover over it on the map.

Wizard eyes don't work, because diving forbids movement over land, even when you have flying.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 06-22-2024 08:16 PM]
06-22-2024 at 06:36 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Hi Grobble!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm currently working on other projects but I'm sure I'll get around to these later in the year.

= Radiant =
06-22-2024 at 09:34 PM
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File: Stuck.ley (28.7 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Great to hear. :) There are still a lot of things I didn't test yet on Steam, so I may add more bug reports in the meantime. Sorry for the long chain of self replies, if you prefer I can try to merge them into a single long post.

The savegame in this attachment (Stuck.ley) often freezes the game at the end of turn.

For the elves, I would recommend to lower the upkeep of ravens to zero now that it has the No Hands ability.

Multiturn movement: if you try to move further than you can this turn, you cannot cancel multiturn movement (Wait does not cancel it). You can only change the target square.

If you quickcast a spell, the game will not let you move the rest of your units until you click End Turn.

The steam achievement for First Monolith doesn't seem to trigger properly. I am not sure about the Protector achievement either. I didn't get it for casting the chaos protection spell on a city, but maybe there is another condition.

If you hire a hero they appear in strange places, usually a square you just discovered.

As I reported earlier regency raider cities build human units; in fact they exclusively build swordsmen, bowmen and healers. (Same for human raider cities). I understand the need to avoid specialist raider units, but I'd expect the mix to include knights and pikemen rather than healers.

As a tip for the AI, grouping bowmen with one or two adepts is a good composition.

Sunbeam can only be cast at visible targets. That makes it difficult to use it for detection.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 07-07-2024 10:49 PM]
06-23-2024 at 04:24 AM
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File: Boat.ley (29.7 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
When moving with a boat, if you don't select the boarded units they stay behind, even if they can't swim. This savegame can be used to reproduce.
(Please note: for cloudships above land this is desirable behavior.)

Missing documentation:
I couldn't find any documentation within the game about the hotkey bindings.
Also no documentation about how raiders ignore invisible and hidden - this is probably confusing if you don't know.
06-25-2024 at 12:39 AM
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File: Lightning.ley (36.8 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
In this savegame, casting Lightning Strike on Dar Es Salaam will destroy your own units (on board of the boat).
Perhaps this is related to the new code for Tidal Wave?

Units with Sailing or Diving cannot enter coastal cities anymore.

When melee units are in the back row during a fight during the close combat phase, they will shoot arrows.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 07-01-2024 08:01 AM]
06-25-2024 at 01:02 AM
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File: UnalignedRaiders.ley (18.5 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
In this savegame, the city of Sydney is under my control. Three raider units enter it at the start of the turn.
The bug is that they become unaligned (black flag) and don't capture the city.

You can bombard the units and cities of an ally (truce).

The assassinate ability doesn't work, it crashes the game.

All of the Continental / world maps have a severe mana penalty. That isn't necessarily a bug, but after playing a few of those maps it stops being an interesting challenge and makes for rather bland gameplay.

Spells can't be cancelled. Right-clicking a global spell such as Night Eternal opens a pop-up asking if you want to cancel the spell, but if you choose yes the spell remains. Spells on cities or units don't have the option. That's nasty if you're short on mana production.

Night Eternal says it applies to any dying unit in the description, but only applies to units dying in combat. (Not to units dying to bombard or Reaper's Touch - didn't test plague or poison.)

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 07-06-2024 01:22 PM]
07-05-2024 at 12:18 PM
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File: Two Player.ley (24 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Tried starting a two player game (scenario / no split screen), it didn't work. Could only fill in the first player name and then it was 1st players turn every turn. Savegame attached.

This bug only seems to occur in Scenario games. In a campaign game, multiplayer hotseat does work.
In that case you get another bug: the rivals screen always shows the rival that was last viewed by a human player. Even if that rival hasn't been discovered by the current human player.
Also, diplomacy between human players doesn't seem to work. For example, a request for a truce is automatically rejected.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 07-08-2024 01:06 AM]
07-06-2024 at 03:36 PM
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File: Goblin.ley (16.4 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Goblins start with a road under one of their starting units.

Gather Mana does not work for goblins, as can be seen in this savegame (camping a conjurer in a swamp has no effect).
EDIT: Sorry, my bad. Conjurers do produce some mana.
Only 1 mana per conjurer though, which is really weak for a unit costing 3 turns of training and 2 gold per turn.

Goblins cannot raze their last city, even if they still have tribes.

When a trapper lays a trap, it explodes when the trapper leaves the tile.

I tried to kill an AI by having a ton of parasites next to their last small city, but it never caused them to lose their units. I can provide a savegame for this if needed.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 07-16-2024 04:56 PM]
07-06-2024 at 08:24 PM
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File: Nameless.ley (20 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
At the start of turn in this savegame, a Clawed Fury dies of the plague. You get a message " died of the plague" (unit name is missing).

It is possible to Ravage the lands next to an allied city. Didn't try Scorched Earth. (Not sure if that's really a bug, but you can exploit it against an AI. They won't break the truce for it.)

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 07-08-2024 08:46 AM]
07-07-2024 at 03:22 PM
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File: OptionsMenu.ley (18.2 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
In this savegame, after a few messages (one of them about an elemental spell), the menu for loading/saving is suddenly opened without the user asking for it.
07-07-2024 at 11:32 PM
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
So I still didn't test exhaustive, but at least I tried Every race and school of magic now.

To conclude, here's a quick take on game balance.

Number one, not only are raiders a little OP, but AI players are just far too passive. They build new cities, roads, defense and send scouts.. But they rarely send an attack, bever grab map resources unless they're next to their cities and didn't cast any spell on my units that I can remember. When I capture an AI city and leave it undefended (so they can just walk in to take it back), it still takes way too long before they do.
The AI players just need to focus more on aggression and turtle less.

By race:
Human seems to be very well rounded, I'm using all units except the galleon. Partly because of a bug - maybe I'll build them if it becomes possible to enter coastal cities again with a ship.
Elf: I already mentioned the raven. I never build phantoms, they're too expensive for what they do and I'd make them either cheaper or better in some way.
Goblins: their economy feels weak, at the very least I'd lower the upkeep of a conjurer
Theria: the Aetherling is a little too expensive or a little too weak, I can't think of an enchantment that makes them worth it, if you look at total upkeep.
Greed (the spell that lowers income) seems weak too - you will often target this at a city that you plan to capture later. Even if you don't, 1 gold / 1000 inhabitants feels underwhelming.
The Regency look good, but the AI performs exceptionally badly with them. Liches should not be used for city defense, they're too expensive to sit at home and should be used for attack. (That goes for Daemons too, but I haven't seen the AI build Daemons.) A couple of ghouls are a great attack force too (maybe supported by a specter or necromancer, but that's optional).

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 07-16-2024 04:57 PM]
07-08-2024 at 12:50 PM
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File: Invisibleroad.ley (19 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
One more savegame.
A segment of moonpath (just southwest of the arena) became invisible to the elves that built it.
This happened when the opponent cast Sigil of Flame on the tile.

EDIT: another moonpath related bug. If a unit with Build Road stands on a moonpath, they get the option to build a road instead of a fortress.
Likewise, if you build a city on top of an existing moonpath, the moonpath turns back into a normal road.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 07-12-2024 10:01 PM]
07-08-2024 at 11:40 PM
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File: Tradingpost.ley (20.7 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Trading Posts don't generate any money, I'm sorry I didn't notice this sooner. Savegame for reproduction.
Most cities in thuis savegame have a trading post. If you right-click on merchants, it will say that the trading post is adding some amount of income. But if you check (for example by destroying the trading post), it turns out that this amount wasn't actually added to income.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 07-13-2024 09:04 PM]
07-13-2024 at 07:02 AM
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File: HeroCrash.ley (18.5 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Here is a crash related to hero hiring. Upon loading this game, you get the option to hire two different heroes. You need levies on all three cities. If you do and hire the first hero, the game crashes.
07-13-2024 at 08:57 PM
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File: AttackBackRow.ley (31.6 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
During a fight, in the close combat phase, units can attack the back row in melee.

Savegame to reproduce. In this savegame, a number of fights will be triggered at the start of turn. One of them is a naval fight. A single shaman attacks a ship full of knights. If you put the ship in the back row, the shaman will nonetheless be able to attack it in melee, sinking the entire crew.
07-15-2024 at 10:38 PM
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File: Meteorstorm.ley (29.9 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Meteor Storm seems to have no effect. In this savegame the spell is active, but I didn't notice any unit taking damage over the course of a few turns.
07-16-2024 at 01:40 PM
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File: Multiturnmove.ley (13.8 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
The following behavior causes a lot of clogging if you move lots of units over the same path.
In the savegame, order the stack of 3 units to move to the hill two tiles south of it.
The two swordsmen don't have enough moves to get there in one turn, so the stack stops after moving one tile. But the scout still has movement left, so the game switches to the scout and lets you choose a destination. But if you still want the scout to move to the same tile, clicking on it has no effect. So it is no longer possible to make the scout go there in one turn, even though it had enough movement points.

Another movement related bug is that a unit next to the void is always shown to have "0 moves" left.

The game does not allow you to cast Chaos Sight on a unit with fortitude.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 07-20-2024 09:53 PM]
07-20-2024 at 11:29 AM
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File: Tempestward.ley (22.8 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Tempest ward prevents the enemy from casting negative spells such as Blindness, but it does not prevent the enemy from casting buff spells such as might of giants on their own units.
In case this is intentional, the description of Tempest Ward doesn't match the effect.

With this savegame it can be reproduced. The city of Summercopse has a tempest ward on it.

The same savegame also has a very clear case where the AI is much too passive. The city of Lilygarden has just been captured from the AI. The AI has a large stack right of units next to it and should immediately recapture the city (or at least attempt it), but it doesn't. The units just keep standing there.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 07-20-2024 10:57 PM]
07-20-2024 at 08:46 PM
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File: Misery.ley (23.5 KB)
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icon Re: Leylines: the revival thread (0)  
Misery is displayed as a continuous global spell costing 120 / 7, but when you have cast it, it doesn't show as active. Although it's possible that the effect remains in later turns (not sure).
In the savegame the spell has already been cast in an earlier turn.

[Last edited by grobblewobble at 07-21-2024 08:05 AM]
07-20-2024 at 11:00 PM
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