Alright, I've played it. Neat little hold, had fun killing an hour. I have some comments/suggestions/etc for you:
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×Downtown, 1 North 1 West is in desperate need of a green door between the brain and the orb.
Midtown, 1 North 2 West and 2 North 2 West have green doors beside each other, in such a way that you can go through one by finishing the other room. You probably want to just adjust them so they're both one square away from the edge of the room. Personally, I use green doors to separate the level in to multiple areas, where the room with the green door is the only way to get to what's behind it. Leaving both would be neat, but they need to both be a square away from the side of the room.
Midtown, 2 North 2 West has a trivial red door. The west side of the orb is available through crumbling walls.
Midtown, 2 North 3 West: good room (see, there's some praise in here too)
Uptown, 2 North 1 West doesn't need the red door. The same effect could be accomplished by sticking the brain behind the queen, and using a green door. It's your hold and up to you, of course, that's just what I'd do.
Uptown, 2 North: great room.
Uptown, 3 North: see Uptown, 2 North
Overall, it's a good hold, I had fun playing it. I hope to see more from you in the future.
Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!