Sorry bandit that i didnīt see this before, since i donīt know how to do this whitish thing i just say spoiler below
just donīt rush to the mimic. Of course you need it later on, especially when the goblins are coming, but thry to crush some serious wraith wing ass before. After that you should shiel yourself with the mimic. goblins ignore it.
personally i found it easier to kill the lower roach quees before the upper ones, but thats just personal.
When these are dead, the rest should be doable.
I never found that room too challanging but fun because of some trick moves
If you still need help, send me a PM
[Edited by Pithlit on 01-04-2004 at 01:07 AM GMT]
If it bleeds, i can kill it.
If it doesnīt bleed, it doesnīt get THAT messy