Yeah, I figured it out the day after when I did Wonderland, by Joshua Taylor.
am I right in thinking that to remove the other player in "
a motion feild or toggle button was used, then when you walk out of the place where the Gem is, it walks into an exit.
and If you walk in the wrong entrance when it tells you not to, then I assume it uses the Mountain King to kill you.
But Hey!!!!! how does that work? otherwise you'd see it wouldnt you, after it kills you.
please explain
and the debug mode, they are always fun!
how do you use that, or would that be giving away trade secrets???
and does the Mountain King move the same as you?
It seems to do everything the same as you, so would that mean that it would be affected by motion feilds? or can go though oneway ports the same way as you?
or do neither of these things affect it(meaning that it can cross motion fields without moving that derection, and it cant go though ports at all)
Satire denounces the world;
Wit penetrates it;
Humour accepts it;
But Nonsense Transforms it"
- Cedric Whitman
w.r.t. Aristophanes
[Last edited by wonkyth at 11-23-2007 05:01 AM]