Ok, here's one:
A knight and a dragon live on an (otherwise) deserted island. On this island, there are 10 wells (W1, W2, W3, ... W10) that all contain poisonous water which will kill you in exactly one hour (you exhibit no symptoms of poisoning until 60 minutes are up, and then you just drop dead). However, if the water in a higher numbered well is consumed AFTER (and within an hour) of the consuming of the water in a lower numbered well, then the poisons will neutralize each other. For example, you could drink from W3, then hustle over to W6 and have a drink, and be fine. But if you do it the other way around, you're dead (after 60 minutes of consuming the water in W6). Furthermore, W10 is reachable only by the dragon (it's way up high on a mountain top to which the dragon can fly, but to which the knight, in his clunky armor, cannot climb. (And he has no other clothes and he's too modest to attempt the climb naked) The other wells (W1...W9) are all within easy reach (and less than an hour's travel from anywhere on the island) of both the dragon and the knight.
Now the dragon and the knight hate eachother (this is not an unusual state of affairs between knights and dragons), but neither seems to be able to kill the other. The dragon is a bit of a pansy, and the knight left his lance at home. So one day, the dragon suggests a contest. "
Let us both bring a glass of water from one of the wells for the other to drink. Then, after we have consumed the other's water, we will go about doing something about it, and whoever lives lives, and whoever dies dies."
Hmmm, that doesn't sound very fair,"
thought the knight. "
I mean, the dragon will surely bring me a glass of W10, and I won't be able to drink from a higher numbered well. And I can't do the same to him since I can't reach that well. So he'll be able to drink my poison and then run off to W10 to get the antidote."
But he accepted the duel anyway since he hated the dragon so much he would rather die (in combat, and a duel, even of the mind, is combat) than continue to live on the same island with him.
So the next day, the two met on the beach, each with a glass of water which the other drank. An hour later the knight was still alive and the dragon was dead. What happened?
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