oh, and the 6th pirate can't nominate the 1st mate since the 1st mate will win anyway if 6 walks the plank.
which leaves the captain, the 3rd, and the 4th pirates. They each have a 1/3 chance of getting the treasure.
Ok, onto 7 pirates...
7 needs 3 votes. Everybody has a 0 chance of walking the plank, so he can only buy one vote. So he's screwed, but the captain, 3 and 4 have 1/3 chance of getting the treasure.
8 needs 3 votes. He'll get 7's vote, and the vote of whoever he nominates, but everybody else will vote against him.
9 needs 4 votes... he'll get 7 and 8, and the nominee's, but nobody else's
10 needs 4 votes... he'll get 7, 8 and 9, and the nominee's. So who does he nominate? Anybody but 7-10. So 1-6 all have 1/6 chance at getting the treasure.
11 needs 5 votes. he'll can only buy one, he's screwed
12 needs 5, he'll get 11 and buy one, he's wet.
13 needs 6, he'll 11, 12 and buy one, but he's wet.
14 needs 6: 11, 12, 13, nominee... kerplunk
15 needs 7: 11, 12, 13, 14, nominee... kerplunk.
16 needs 7: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, nominee... kerplunk.
17 needs 8: 11-16, nominee... kerplunk
18 needs 8: 11-17, nominee... approved, so 1-10 have a 1/10 chance of getting the treasure.
Things continue this way... 6 is ok, 10 is ok, 18 is ok, 34 is ok(19-33 are wet, so he'll get their votes, his own vote and the nominee's vote) giving 1-18 a chance at the treasure. 66 is ok, 130 is ok, and 258 is ok.
So the solution is that pirates 131-200 walk the plank and 1-65 have an equal shot at the treasure.
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