The_Red_Hawk wrote:
See, I do have a sense oif humour.
Now if only you could spell, we'd be well on our way
Anyway, I think I have another solution. This one assumes you're dexterous.
Tie rope A to your waist, and climb rope B. Tie a knot with a preserved loop in the top of rope B, a loop that will remain tight if weight is put on it. Let's assume it takes 5 feet of rope to make the knot. Now tie the end of rope B to the end of rope A around your waist. You can loop your leg around rope B to free both hands.
Now, wrap your arm around rope B under the knot, grab rope B above the knot, and cut it between the knot and your arm. Feed the free end of rope B through the hole in the knot, and tie IT to rope A at your waist also. You'll probably need to stick your leg in the loop of the knot to free your hand, and then remove your leg afterward.
Climb up rope A and cut it at the top, and you will swing down. Since the loop is tied to the rope around your waist, you will knot fall. Tie the free end of rope A to one end of rope B, and then untie that end of rope B from your waist. You now have a 95 foot long loop of rope. Climb down, untie the knots around your waist, and pull the rope through the eye. You now have 95 feet of rope.
Basically, this method gets you 100 feet minus the amount of rope needed for your knot at the top. If you can make the knot only using 2 feet of rope, you get 98 of it at the bottom.
[Edited by DiMono on 01-30-2004 at 08:44 PM GMT]
Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!