The_Red_Hawk wrote:
Plane #1 is the one that will get around.
They fly one eighth around, then Plane #2 fills up #1's tanks again. So it will have half a tank left. It transfers a quarter to Plane #3, which will also have a full tank, then returns with just enough fuel to spare.
Planes #1 and #3 fly another eighth and #3 refills #1's tanks. It will have 3/4 of a tank and gives 1/4 to #1, with 1/2 left returns with just enough to spare.
Planes 2 and 3 refuel and join with 4, and do the same thing on the other side. They meet at the 3/4 point (1 and 2). 2 transfers half of its fuel to #1, and they both fly home safely.
So four planes are needed.
This is almost right - the very last step is wrong. I'll try to show why below:
For simplicity's sake, lets measure progress in hemispheres (so 1 tank = 1 hemisphere). At least one plane needs to fly 2 hemispheres. We'll use the notation H to stand for hemispheres, and T to stand for tank.
1. Planes 1, 2, 3 start at the island.
2. Planes 1, 2, and 3 all fly 1/4H east.
3. Plane 3 gives 1/4T fuel to plane 1, and 1/4T to plane 2.
4. Plane 3 flies 1/4H west, reaches the island, and refuels. At the same time, Planes 1 and 2 fly another 1/4H east.
5. Plane 2 gives 1/4T fuel to plane 1.
6. Plane 2 flies 1/2H west, reaches the island, and refuels. At the same time, Plane 1 flies another 1/2H east.
(half-point recap - Plane 1 has 1/2 a tank left; it's halfway around the world (1H). Planes 2,3 and 4 are at the island, with full tanks.)
7. Planes 2,3,4 fly 1/4H west. Plane 1 flies 1/4H east.
8. Planes 4 transfers 1/4T of it's fuel to Plane 2, and 1/4T of it's fuel to plane 3.
9. Plane 4 flies 1/4H east, and refuels. Planes 1 flies 1/4H east. Planes 2 and 3 fly 1/4 H west.
Note the situation now. Plane 4 is at the island with it's tank full. Plane 1 is at 1/2H west, running on fumes. Planes 2 and 3 are both at 1/2H west, with 3/4T fuel each.
This is where Red_Hawk gets confused; he says that the planes I call 2 and 3 (his 3 and 4) repeat stages 5 and 6 here. But this is obviously wrong; what needs to happen is that planes 2 and 3 give 1/4T each to plane 1. This means that they each have 1/2T of fuel, just enough to fly the final 1/2H east.
Anyway, I'd say that Red_Hawk got it - I just posted a minor correction, he actually came up with the right solution.
I got my avatar back! Yay!