Weigh 3 vs 3. If it doesn't balance, swap another 3 in for one of the sets, and now you know which set has the odd ball and whether it's lighter or heavier. Finish in the obvious way.
If it does balance, swap another 3 in. If it doesn't balance, same as before. If it does balance, then it's in one of the 3 you haven't weighed yet. This is much better than my previous attempts, but since we don't know if the odd ball out is lighter or heavier it's still not good enough.
Best I've got here is to take two of them and weigh them against two of the others. If it balances then it's the one you haven't touched yet, and if it doesn't then you've got a 50% chance between the two you added. I'm up to 11/12 success, just need a little time (or a little prodding...
Edit: Ah ha, I've got it!
How about starting with 4 vs 4. If it balances then you weigh 3 of those against 3 of the remaining 4. If it still balances, then it's the one you haven't touched yet. Otherwise it's one of the new 3, and you know whether it's lighter or heavier, so finish in the obvious way*.
If it doesn't balance, rotate 3 through**. If it now doesn't balance the other way, you know it's in one of the 3 you moved, and whether it's lighter or heavier. Finish in the obvious way. If it now balances, you know it's in one of the 3 you removed, and whether it's lighter or heavier. Finish in the obvious way. And that's all she wrote
*Obvious way is, since we know whether it's lighter or heavier, weigh two of the 3 against each other, and draw the obvious conclusion
**Rotate 3 through means remove 3 from the left side, move 3 from the right to the left, and put 3 of the unused ones on the left
Edit 2: I just realized I forgot to handle if it still doesn't balance in the same direction. This means it's one of the two you didn't move around, so weigh either of them against any other ball. If they balance, it's the one you didn't weigh and you know whether it was lighter or heavier, and if it doesn't than it's the one you DID weigh and you know whether it was lighter or heavier.
[Edited by DiMono on 01-05-2004 at 05:56 AM GMT]
Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!