We have started a Greenlight campaign to get three of our adventure games published on Steam: Starship Quasar, Larry Lotter, and Quest for Yrolg. For anyone who's played these before, these are the 'deluxe' versions with updated and higher-resolution graphics, new soundtrack, and professional voice acting.
If you've enjoyed these games, please support us at
our Greenlight page. Please spread the word, and thank you for your time!
Also, we've got a Portuguese version of Infinite Monkeys available, and Japanese version of Errand. The above Steam bundle includes new translations of Starship Quasar into Dutch, French, and Polish. We are always on the lookout for new translations, so if you're interested in helping, please drop me us line.
= Radiant =
[Last edited by Radiant at 10-13-2016 05:53 PM]