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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Fair point. Ok, the official system specs for AGS games (which also includes all of Crystal Shard's other games on the site except for SubTerra) are:

* Pentium or higher processor
* 300 Mhz or above
* 64 Mb RAM
* Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or Vista with DirectX 5 or above
* Supports all DirectX-compatible sound and video cards
* Mouse
* Sound card recommended

= Radiant =
09-05-2014 at 02:27 PM
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Mike the Wino
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Just got through playing this.....again? I might have before, but if so, I probably never finished it. I kept having flash backs or deja vu's or whatever, so I must have at least started it many years ago. A lot of brain cells ago, that is. Regardless, it was a blast!

I just wanted to point something out that happened while I played it, and to see if anyone else ran across this issue. BTW, I played version 1.3.

After I played Dampiry with the Unseelie, the word "Pass" was forever etched into the upper left hand corner of my screen, just below the inventory icon, clear through the end of the game. Any idea why?
09-24-2014 at 12:40 AM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Sounds like a bug. Does it only happen after using the Pass button?

Glad to hear you enjoyed the game by the way!
09-24-2014 at 01:04 AM
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Mike the Wino
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Fizzii wrote:
Sounds like a bug. Does it only happen after using the Pass button?
Yes. I used the Pass button a couple times as I recall, and I think it was after the last Pass...

I think I can send a saved game, both before and after the glitch began, if you like. I realize there probably won't be any more patches with a game this old, but maybe you'd like to know why it happens? If so, let me know if you want them and where/how to send them.

Cheers! Mike
09-24-2014 at 01:56 AM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Mike the Wino wrote:
I realize there probably won't be any more patches with a game this old,

You'd be surprised :)

= Radiant =
09-24-2014 at 08:42 AM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Sure, if you send me a save game I'll make sure Radiant gets it to check.

The saved game should either be located in C:\Users\<User Name>\Saved Games\, or otherwise in the same directory as the installed game (e.g. C:\Program Files\A Tale of Two Kingdoms), filename agssave.###.

My email is

09-24-2014 at 10:01 AM
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Mike the Wino
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File: AToTK game folder screenshot.jpg (109.9 KB)
Downloaded 49 times.
License: Public Domain
icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Fizzii wrote:
Sure, if you send me a save game I'll make sure Radiant gets it to check.
I'll be happy to send you a couple saved games, one before, and one after the Dampiry game, unless you just need a post-Dampiry saved game. In the game folder, since the saved games are simply labelled as agssave.***, how do I determine which one to send? Attached is a screen capture of my game folder.

[Last edited by Mike the Wino at 09-24-2014 05:50 PM]
09-24-2014 at 05:48 PM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
The only way to tell is by date stamp. So if you load up the game, then save a new game/save over it, the date modified should change to help you pick the one with the issue. I agree, the saved game file names aren't very descriptive :)
09-24-2014 at 10:06 PM
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Mike the Wino
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Wow, I just noticed how large these saved game files are! I'm sending you two files via email, one just before the Dampiry game, and one a little after. Hope your email can handle the size of the attachments!

As a side note, I don't even remotely pretend to understand how any of the programming for AGS games works (or any other computer programming for that matter), but I know that other games developed on some other engines don't require nearly so much MB usage to write a save game file. Is this something that could ever be tweaked in the AGS engine? Just curious....
09-24-2014 at 10:42 PM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Got it, thanks :)

I'm not sure about how AGS save games work as I've never touched even a smidgen of programming, but as I understand, changing the way save games are made is not a simple solution (there are issues with compatibility of save games with updated versions, which is a major complaint about the AGS engine).
09-24-2014 at 10:55 PM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
how do I reproduce the flute song? I am not a music student that can hear a song and play it by ear, that is silly. The harp in a kingsquest game took me when it first came out over 24 hours to beat and this is a real flute with a randomized song.
08-06-2016 at 06:48 AM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Hmm, it's been a while for me, but does Taliesin have coloured notes showing when he demonstrates the song?

And no, you don't need to be a music student to do it, just need to pay attention.
08-06-2016 at 06:51 AM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Fizzii wrote:
Hmm, it's been a while for me, but does Taliesin have coloured notes showing when he demonstrates the song?

And no, you don't need to be a music student to do it, just need to pay attention.

Ah color coded, got you. Thank you.
08-06-2016 at 07:06 AM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
The walkthrough dose not do a good job explaining this, so anyone having issues with is a simple solution:

Step one: take a piece of paper number it 1 to 7, use flute on self play each hole from 1 to 7 and assign a color to a number,such as flutehole 1 it till 7.

Step two: then ask the bard elf friend to play by clicking flute on him. watch the colors and quickly write them down via the first letter of each word, ie r for red in a string..dont try to look down at your paper, just spam it in order on a blank sheet of till you have the colors in order.

Step 3: Now using the color coded numbers convert the string of letters to numbers...these numbers from 1-7 now tell you the note (flute hole to click) to play in what order from the mouth piece of the flute up to the end of the flute.

It all takes about 5 min max.:)
08-06-2016 at 05:08 PM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Finished the game, it was really good.

I give it 4 stars, I am right off the bat playing again.

I don't know why the director told me to go for 100% honor and wisdom: I got almost that and probably the best ending: he helps all, becomes a true noble and everything. He saves the princess, as well as makes her future.

Doing the other things might require less the perfect actions to see the other endings rightfully.

So why advocate the same actions only a few things in variation
to get max as far as content or is it just for completionism's sake?

I would have went for the fae friend ending but a couple things stoped me from doing so and saving other for later: referencing the hero as a pet by the dark elf and the fairy queen's response.

I wanted to love her but she not denying the dark elfs words but saying she would, just go on and do it. In effect yes a pet but mind your own affairs.

Second thing, what happen to the guy the wonderful bard was talking about in the beginning of the game: she kept him 300 years as one loved, then booted him die in obscurity and would not let him come home.

Better for him to die in battle than be so dishonored and deceived like a plaything. She even told the hero he reminded her of the guy, she did that too.

If she had truly respected or cared about whitheblade, he would have remained with her as she wished.

I am not sure what is going on with his girlfriend he calls beloved, and she calls him that.

I am confused at there relationship and cant understand what they are to each other. If hes a single man or not.

Its like in part some alternate lifestlyle thing with a straight couple which is odd.

I considered it could be in a little brother big sister sort of thing or a spiritual thing but she dose not seem the type.

I would guess if you held the druids staff to my head, that he is single and she is a platonic soulmate. If that were the case
I would like the pooka for him.

I loved the pooka! Not for her looks but for her words and her manner, she was charming. playful but only as a self amusement, she was doubtless remarkably bright as well. Eccentric and charming. A nice artistic match for such a man.

I was wrong about the bard who seems a elf to me, regardless nether him nor the main character were what I thought them to be. I just had to give the game a chance to find out it was one of the best I ever played.

Do not get me wrong I loved the fae queen for her power elegance and beauty...but not her condescension and her inability to see the potential of the man regardless of what he was. Her assumption that is.

Such is the mark of a lesser mind and one would think not possible in one so old, set to keep things in balance and check as the queen should...if she had a interest to begin with that is.

I admire his consorts loyalty and love however, and if they were in a true romantic relationship I would never suggest he reward such loyalty with betrayal, but as it is, I cannot tell.

Its just odd. She is a odd one, funny though. Her delivery of her lines made me laugh.

That aside I loved this game because it was not a joke.

It was what I wanted, almost kingsquest style. You guys got it.

What happened was almost what I would have had happen. No bending the third wall overly much, that is save estereggs were such belongs. No Saturday morning cartoon stuff.

A real game not a child's joke to cackle at in elementary school.That is the flaw with the new stuff that's vomited out.

In your game anything that was funny was unexpected and there for really funny. I really liked the subtlety as the fae queen would say.

I did not hate the old kings general ether, he was a good solider, a good roman, without the moral decadence of later years.

If you catch my drift, a man to inspire confidence among his men, and a feelings of safety and security among the citizenry.

He would probably have rather died than commit what he felt was a dishonorable act.

He sought only for the safety and glory of his empire and his emperor.

He was simply on another side, and there are two sides to everything. One must consider the times.

The king may have made some dishonorable choices, perhaps but his general was not a evil man. Though not fit to be a king himself in my view.

That said I understood perfectly how the lady (I cant spell her name she with whiteblade) felt concerning her homeland, and why she did and felt what she did.

It could have been no other way for her, her reaction was completely natural. There was much noble in her in another way, no less valid.

I sympathized with many of the characters for many reasons taking into account there stories and personalities as well as current situation.

Even the princess was a remarkable be so objective given the situations, in her interactions with lord whiteblade. She seemed worthy to be a queen. She was a beautiful being as well.

Even the villains were sort of innocent in a way. I truly love that, its like a breath of fresh air for me given the current state of mainstream media.

Something honest, that was not totally sick and sad and/or pathetic and disillusioned,and full of silly propaganda, in short...good art.

The goblins, not really as bad as all that simply a type of primitive culture that had some honor, clearly confused.

There leader, of the goblins, was no idiot as one would at first think. They were not monsters. More like klingons to be honest...only a bit more reasonable if slightly less intelligent overall, as a people.

The apprentice was charming as well she reminded me of bebedora from arch of the lad twilight of the spirit in a way.

I see why one would save her. She seemed very principled as well, if she had any flaw you could chalk it up to youth. A total innocent, not marked by a lack of intellect which is what makes this actually so.

Lord Whiteblade would have had to have been a monster to have harmed her being as intelligent as he was...then let her wizard master harm her. Nope, not a valid option.

His consort did not understand this, not because she is a fool, but because of her very nature.

The lady more than makes up for certain things with her, fire, love and loyalty.

[Last edited by Heroinefan at 08-07-2016 06:49 AM]
08-07-2016 at 06:33 AM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Thank you for your kind remarks!

How to put this... Faeries are beautiful and alluring, but they are not nice or caring, and the Seelie queen least of all. This is consistent with how they are depicted in mythology. Arawn Nos would at least treat you with respect, and the Pooka is very cute, but Nimwe will sooner or later lose interest and discard you. Like Brann. Like Ruadh. Like Blossom. Stories about the fae end in sadness because they don't think or feel like humans.

Maeldun and Branwyn are supposed to be a couple. Looking back at their dialogue, I should have written that better; I hope to say I've improved my writing skills since back when writing ATOTK. Taliesin is indeed more than he seems, although you would never get a straight answer from him on that topic.

And as some people have pointed out, Geraint is really quite similar to Branwyn. Which, of course, is why they can't stand one another.

= Radiant =
08-07-2016 at 09:04 PM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Radiant wrote:
Thank you for your kind remarks!

How to put this... Faeries are beautiful and alluring, but they are not nice or caring, and the Seelie queen least of all. This is consistent with how they are depicted in mythology. Arawn Nos would at least treat you with respect, and the Pooka is very cute, but Nimwe will sooner or later lose interest and discard you. Like Brann. Like Ruadh. Like Blossom. Stories about the fae end in sadness because they don't think or feel like humans.

Maeldun and Branwyn are supposed to be a couple. Looking back at their dialogue, I should have written that better; I hope to say I've improved my writing skills since back when writing ATOTK. Taliesin is indeed more than he seems, although you would never get a straight answer from him on that topic.

And as some people have pointed out, Geraint is really quite similar to Branwyn. Which, of course, is why they can't stand one another.

I am going to try to stick the cold iron rune on the the bard who I think is a elf not a fae, and see if he reveals himself! your post made me think of it.

People would think the unseely was the jerk but the truth is, he is a honest man. Probably more principled than the queen.

Ah I see, no wonder besides his politeness he shows no interests in the pooka, hes in a common law marriage and he loves his wife.

No wonder the stableboy got the princess and not him. If I had known that it would have saved me trying alot of stuff. I always think rescue the tower maiden, or princess, or somehow find love as part of the story but this guy already did from the beginning.

One question, is there a better ending than the one I got with 90 something percent honor and wisdom? He did all side quests and rescued the princess?

The directer keeps telling me to get 100% but they would be unlikely to do anything unless of course it dose. In heroinesquest for example paragon is as high as you can go, a perfect score wont change the simply want it to have a perfect score.
08-07-2016 at 10:13 PM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
One question, is there a better ending than the one I got with 90 something percent honor and wisdom? He did all side quests and rescued the princess?

The directer keeps telling me to get 100% but they would be unlikely to do anything unless of course it dose. In heroinesquest for example paragon is as high as you can go, a perfect score wont change the simply want it to have a perfect score.
If you rescued the princess and the dialogue between Maeldun/Branwyn/Taliesin indicates that everything has been done (e.g. got the girdle back, helped out everyone you could etc), then going for 100% is more for completionists. Some of the timing is a bit tricky to achieve that as well.

So princess getting married = best ending. Then there are other good endings, but people generally don't feel as happy about that if they don't save the princess :P

[Last edited by Fizzii at 08-08-2016 05:10 AM]
08-08-2016 at 05:08 AM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Fizzii wrote:
One question, is there a better ending than the one I got with 90 something percent honor and wisdom? He did all side quests and rescued the princess?

The directer keeps telling me to get 100% but they would be unlikely to do anything unless of course it dose. In heroinesquest for example paragon is as high as you can go, a perfect score wont change the simply want it to have a perfect score.
If you rescued the princess and the dialogue between Maeldun/Branwyn/Taliesin indicates that everything has been done (e.g. got the girdle back, helped out everyone you could etc), then going for 100% is more for completionists. Some of the timing is a bit tricky to achieve that as well.

So princess getting married = best ending. Then there are other good endings, but people generally don't feel as happy about that if they don't save the princess :P

There is a game breaking bug, on my second playthrough to many things triggered at once/at wrong time.

I suspect this is because I knew what to do from the first, somehow it went to the next chapter with me getting the flute and not visiting the fairy realm and coming back the first time.

Then I went to get the love note because it was five and the princess was already tricked in the woods and stable boy out there.

The pooka would need to be in two places at once. I don't think I can fix that mess. Maybe because I walked in and out to see cutscenes. Or did things out of order.

A chapter should not have ended with me getting the flute and jumping off the docks. The beggar did not even properly try to stop me at first, I could have probably went to fair realm without confronting him. I had to go to another spot before it triggered. What action caused this?

The goblins were simultaneously in hagraeven preventing me from getting cider for the pooka. The fae had not even yet told me to remove them.

I discovered the door without opening it (no flute yet), then went to get flute this time as well.

On further reflection I should not have discovered door without opening it. This may be what causes chaos in the game.

[Last edited by Heroinefan at 08-08-2016 04:35 PM]
08-08-2016 at 04:21 PM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Heroinefan wrote:
There is a game breaking bug, on my second playthrough to many things triggered at once/at wrong time.

I somehow doubt that; the game is literally full of alternative solutions. What's your problem exactly?

= Radiant =
08-08-2016 at 11:32 PM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Radiant wrote:
Heroinefan wrote:
There is a game breaking bug, on my second playthrough to many things triggered at once/at wrong time.

I somehow doubt that; the game is literally full of alternative solutions. What's your problem exactly?

I figured it out, just don't discover the door, then go get flute without opening it.

Must wait until you can open it to discover it. Otherwise it ends the chapter when you leave with the flute, you could prob finish the game but it makes things confusing by ending the chapter and starting the next before you could do what you wanted in that chapter.

You don't need to visit the fae and leave to end it if one was banking on that. discovering the door and leaving with the key also ends it.

The director did say things can trigger in a different order, depending on actions so its probably a accounted thing. I should really wait to make theses posts and not panic like that. My apologizes.

BTW: The evil ending made me feel soiled, there is no in between there is there? That was brutal and out of character. going to re-play heroinesquest to feel better, ha.

I just had to see the ending but I am almost sorry, thought it would be a anti-hero sort of thing.
08-09-2016 at 12:34 AM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Well, it's meant to be an evil ending. The neutral ending is basically "screw you guys, I'm going home" in the next chapter.

= Radiant =
08-10-2016 at 06:30 PM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Radiant wrote:
Well, it's meant to be an evil ending. The neutral ending is basically "screw you guys, I'm going home" in the next chapter.

I thought something like him thinking like branywn, but thanking the assassin for killing vortagan then going home with him having overcome the goblins, (satisfying his friends)but acting with dark satisfaction, that being morally ambiguous know in a seemingly cool and ironic sort of way, walking off leaving the assassins mouth hanging open. (you lost this? *give dagger back* or overkill?) Laugh on way out? Or subtle wink?

yet this would not be not entirely out of character ''too much'' given the way he reacted for vortagans general initially at the feast. also considering what he went through. (temporary insanity for ester egg ending, stress resentment? suppressed humiliation and overcompensation?)

I was just amazed he went all the way with it.

As bard friend said you would have thought he had better sense than to be a puppet just from a logical point of view...but then, true evil is basically foolish (because its like inordinate atrophy, and illogical actions, delusions) from the point of view of everyday human concerns that is, if not a theological perspective I mean.

Good being a creative, open but ordered, evolutionary aesthetic way, in good fictional art? Wisdom?

Sorry to go into things like this, but its fun to get into lore and consider things with fiction from a rp perspective. Its just like debating novels as far as I am concerned.

[Last edited by Heroinefan at 08-12-2016 02:47 AM]
08-12-2016 at 02:16 AM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
I am half done with my romantic pooka fan fiction and will post it when complete.

The challenge has been to make such a thing without ether of the characters going too ooc so it seems real to people who have played the game.

I did some research, not just in mythology but into the characters as presented here.

I tried to get the writer to speak on these things as much as they could be drawn out here.

I think I am finally on track. It will be about a 20-30 page short story give or take from where I am now.

If you have any last min Lord Whiteblade and freinds or Pooka wisdom/insights, it may yet be of benefit.

[Last edited by Heroinefan at 08-15-2016 09:42 PM]
08-15-2016 at 09:36 PM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Heroinefan wrote:
I am half done with my romantic pooka fan fiction and will post it when complete.
Very cool, I'd be happy to see that.

If you have any last min Lord Whiteblade and freinds or Pooka wisdom/insights, it may yet be of benefit.
Sure. Pooka is much older than she looks. Her name isn't Pooka, of course, but she's not telling. She's one of the few fae that regularly ventures outside Thierna na Oge, generally to prank humans, and she's familiar with Havgan although she stays away from the city. I've had some future adventures in mind about Deirdre and the Pooka, as they're nice opposites to play up against each other.
Branwyn / Taliesin / Maeldun conform to the classic triad of fighter / sorcerer / rogue. Although Maeldun is nominally the leader, Taliesin is the one subtly arranging things behind the scenes (at least, possibly. He's not telling). Taliesin is also way older than he looks, and is the one that got the three of them together. Maeldun lost several friends and family members to Vortigern's conquests.

= Radiant =
08-25-2016 at 11:50 AM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Radiant wrote:
Heroinefan wrote:
I am half done with my romantic pooka fan fiction and will post it when complete.
Very cool, I'd be happy to see that.

If you have any last min Lord Whiteblade and freinds or Pooka wisdom/insights, it may yet be of benefit.
Sure. Pooka is much older than she looks. Her name isn't Pooka, of course, but she's not telling. She's one of the few fae that regularly ventures outside Thierna na Oge, generally to prank humans, and she's familiar with Havgan although she stays away from the city. I've had some future adventures in mind about Deirdre and the Pooka, as they're nice opposites to play up against each other.
Branwyn / Taliesin / Maeldun conform to the classic triad of fighter / sorcerer / rogue. Although Maeldun is nominally the leader, Taliesin is the one subtly arranging things behind the scenes (at least, possibly. He's not telling). Taliesin is also way older than he looks, and is the one that got the three of them together. Maeldun lost several friends and family members to Vortigern's conquests.

Spellchecking old fic, carefully censoring and removing adult scenes between our hero and the pooka...forgot about it sorry, will have it up soon.

Got into another game, decided it was M rated just said meh...and did not post. Into my files it went.

Honestly was to lazy to edit and at the time remembered thinking without the passion the story lost something.

It just ended up that way because with a pooka in love I could not really imagine her acting any other way. *part fae and fox*

Even given our reserved hero's was even sort of humorous. Yet I think it should be read now and maybe I can imply, maybe.

[Last edited by Heroinefan at 01-25-2017 01:59 AM]
01-25-2017 at 01:54 AM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
I can no longer get the English version its all unreadable now.
01-25-2017 at 10:37 PM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Heroinefan wrote:
I can no longer get the English version its all unreadable now.
You don't need to send the same message again over PM, we do read our own forums.

Try deleting acsetup.cfg.

= Radiant =
01-26-2017 at 06:19 AM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
Radiant wrote:
Heroinefan wrote:
I can no longer get the English version its all unreadable now.
You don't need to send the same message again over PM, we do read our own forums.

Try deleting acsetup.cfg.

My apologies, I sense your general irritation with me.

I simply opened the file location and changed it via a drop down, I did not know that was in there but eventually thought of it.

At first I was trying to find it in some options settings.

Some companies/groups read there forms less and less between the release of products, so I sent a pm for notification.

One dev responded to me a month after an inquiry because he had not checked his forum.:(

I just wanted to replay your two games a year later, and having upgraded my pc, a couple times sense then no longer had the game.

Thank you for your time and I apologize for any thing I may have said to earn your ire. I am as always a fan of your games. :)

[Last edited by Heroinefan at 01-27-2017 12:08 AM]
01-27-2017 at 12:06 AM
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icon Re: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (0)  
New update

We are pleased to announce that we are officially working on a deluxe version of A Tale of Two Kingdoms!

A Tale of Two Kingdoms is a graphical adventure in the style of the classic Sierra games. Set in the world of Celtic mythology and fairy tales, it features many sidequests and alternate endings. For this new release, we are doing a Deluxe Edition with a new interactive prologue, several graphic updates, and professional voice acting.

Please support us and help to get this game Greenlit on Steam: (to open Greenlight page in Steam client) (web link)

02-12-2017 at 04:13 AM
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