Yes, my first project, my first hold!
Katons Keep! it's not just a regular hold.. this hold has a massive 15 levels packed into! Complete with roach slaying, tar ripping, brain boggling rooms!
Of coarse it isn't done YET, but I'm about 75% done, hopefully it will be done near the middle or the end of the month.
[Edit] many of you want to see the hold so I sealed up all incomplete levels and modified some of the rooms so they can be solvable, other than that heres a little info about the hold:
Click here to view the secret text
×it's a medium level estimated 21'st level play. So you experts out there this could be a breeze however theres LOTS of secrets in this hold so be sure to find them all
[Edited by Stuwy on 11-11-2003 at 09:51 PM GMT]
[Edited by Stuwy on 11-11-2003 at 09:57 PM GMT]