You can download "
DROD: Architects' Edition"
, the absolute best we have to offer, at:
Note that this is exactly the same as build 46 from beta-testing, so if you already have build 46, it's redundant to download the above file.
It's been 51 weeks since our last release of DROD. The lesson brutally and repeatedly stamped onto my brain is that even simple software projects take much longer than you think they will. And after you are perfectly aware of that fact, you can get all gruffly pessimistic, furrow your brow, double your estimates, and... damned if it doesn't take still longer than you thought.
I would like to say that every minute has been fun, but that wouldn't be true. At times it is just hard work, and I'd rather be doing something else. That said, I'm going to take a break from DROD for a few weeks. Don't let me sound like a sourpuss though--I'm quite pleased that we got this thing out the door. Somewhere in the back of my head, I'm fantastically excited about beginning work on DROD 1.7, a.k.a "
Journey to Rooted Hold"
, but really... I just need a small break from it. I've been using every scrap of free time to work on DROD, and I would like to just screw around in a guilt-free, purposeless kind of way. Yeah, two weeks is not even a noticeable interval, so I won't say anything more about it.
And I should also point out that Mike Rimer put more time in on this than me, and you don't hear him complaining. So what's my problem? Ahhhhhh, I'm just a whiner. Okay, that's enough out of me.
Some people may have seen hints about a Linux release of DROD. Yes, that will be available shortly. For all I know, Gerry is uploading it to SourceForge while I'm typing this. Check back here for an announcement or check on SourceForge at
I think we are done moving stuff around for the new site and " "
or " "
should work without problems. I'm tempted to explain exactly how much torment I went through with bureaucrats at iPowerWeb over the domain name change, but then I realize that it is all very boring. Long story short: I hate iPowerWeb technical support, but I'm still happy about how cheap webhosting is. I guess you get what you pay for.
Giving the mic back to Mr. Moorteo. Gads, I got blood, sweat, and tears all over it.
[Edited by ErikH2000 on 10-20-2003 at 07:30 PM GMT]
The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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