And so, it comes to an end. Our time in France was great, but for various reasons which we reckon you should have to really LOOK for, we're moving. Don't think this means we're availing ourselves of all things French, we're not, but we're still moving. It's like that old house where you just feel like getting something trendy in the new sub-division, in some vain hope that it's better than the old sub-division.
Half-baked social commentary and puzzle games. It's all part of the package here at
However, we can say that there's some advantages to moving. For one thing, we get a new PHP version, which delights Matt Schikore (and was one of the reasons why we moved); the server's also quite a bit faster (which is always nice); and finally the FTP server's in English. That never really worried anyone, I just needed a third reason. What? It's late, and I'm tired. I shouldn't have to think. They don't pay me to think!
The glaring disadvantage is that now we need to pay for hosting, which is why you'll see DROD.Net gradually change into a pornographic site over the coming year. We've already got a model lined up, but unfortunately he's male.
Just kidding.
If you go visit now, you'll get a remarkably similar post to this, then get transferred to our new site. If you go to the forum (admit it, you've got it bookmarked instead of the site) you'll get taken straight to the new one.
This is because Matt Schikore is a l33t PHP master, and I am not.
The temporary home of is - don't change your bookmarks, because will move to there fairly soon. Ever noticed how you can type a couple of different domain names to get to some sites? Same thing here.
In case you're interested, a lot of changes, practically DROD Forum 2.0 - can you say birthdays, text colour, text size, the FAQ, infinite poll options, automatic parsing of website names (either that, or I'm
really daft) and new graphics? How about five times fast?
Not to mention bugs, but we'll squash them good.
On the site, I'm still re-organising - you can see my efforts already. I'm fiddling with the Downloads section setting up some infrastructure for putting up holds. Unfortunately, it's basically going to be a boring table until I can work out how to do it in PHP.
Farewell, old server. We salute you.
[Edited by Mattcrampy on 10-09-2003 at 08:13 PM GMT: Remember how I said I was caught by the automatic parsing?]
[Edited by Mattcrampy on 10-10-2003 at 03:48 PM GMT: And remember how I realised we might not be leaving TLK after all?]
What do you call an elephant at the North Pole?
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