New (11/17/03): The Holds forum is now active so I have uploaded the final version there and removed the old version from here. Thanks everyone for your suggestions!
New (11/4/03): version 5 is up. The revisions in this release are not extremely major, just implementing some suggestions playtesters gave to me and other stuff I thought of. The warp room is still there, FYI.
Level 1:
2E: Added red door to match style of other rooms on this level. Does not affect gameplay of room.
3E: Added red door right next to trapdoors to hopefully prevent trivial solutions: the wraithwings get stuck on the other side so you have to remove the door. Now they have to be killed on a green door instead. Red and green doors also added to keep level style.
6E: Added blue door because why isn't there one there? Although now I don't think that someone can get there without conquering the rest of the rooms anyway, but it's good to be safe.
Level 2
1S 3W: Pruned back yellow doors and added force arrows to enforce intended solution.
Level 4
1S 1W: Removed a 2x2 brick and added a green door to make to exit the room after beating it. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Thanks for playtesting, it is pretty much done now, at least until someone else finds something!
New (10/30/03): version 4 is up. This is a major revision, detailed as follows:
Level 1: there is now a warp room directly to the West of The Entrance of the hold, for those who want to skip around in levels. I have not made any major changes to the first level, I can't remember if there is more than what was done in version 2, but if anyone wants to play it again and look for trivial solutions they are welcome to (especially if they found one before).
Level 2: has been completely revamped. There are now 8 additional rooms. The first and last rooms are the same as before, but the intervening ones are all interconnected. This means that even though I playtested it satisfactorily, it is really hard for me to find unintended solutions without other people helping who don't know the solutions. So this is the most important part to test. Also, I think it is pretty unique and hopefully fun. (Note: yes, I suck at making orb puzzles. If you want to redo one of the puzzles after beating it and send it to me I will be happy to use it. Give yourself credit in a scroll in that room.)
Level 3: I only made major changes to the last two rooms in the hold, the ones with the serpents. Hopefully they are more fun and especially for the North one, not as random. More challenging, though. I apologize for making people fight through the rest of the level to get here, I can release these rooms as separate ones if people complain.
Level 4: this is the level with the next most drastic changes. I added rooms to the four corners, so it is now a square instead of a "
. However, these extra rooms are all taken from my The Dreaming holds, as I mentioned in the poll on this board. I did make some changes to these rooms which in general made them tougher, although more checkpoints were added in some cases. And I also changed 1E so that it could only be solved by entering on the West side of the room. 1N and 1S should also still only be solveable by entering from The Entrance (especially if the trivial solution to 1N is fixed by adding the brains, as I think it is.)
Also (and this is a spoiler, so don't read it if you don't want to be spoiled!)...
Click here to view the secret text
×there now may be a secret room or two, due to popular demand. No secret level, sorry, I ran out of ideas, and I would only do that if I could have two different endings.
So I hope that everyone enjoys the changes and gives me lots of criticism! This is basically the final version of the hold, barring small changes, that is intended to be added to the DROD user-made holds section of, whenever that is implemented.
New (10/24/03): version 3 is up. The only change is the last staircase should actually end the hold instead of starting the last level over again. No real reason to download this one unless you've never played the hold before.
New (10/8/03): version 2 is up. This includes minor changes, making it (hopefully) impossible to trivially solve level 1: 3E and level 2: 1W, and enforcing the "
solutions to level 1: 1E and 5E and level 2: entrance. The biggest change was to level 2: entrance, but I still would only suggest downloading the new version if you haven't yet played the original. I'll make a larger update with more drastic changes later.
I think I'll let this hold speak for itself. It was fun making it, I hope you guys like it. And I didn't even copy rooms from my other holds...much.
The usual disclaimer: I have personally beaten the hold, and certify that all the rooms are solveable and that there are no unintentional dead-ends.
Game on,
[Edited by Oneiromancer on 11-04-2003 at 11:47 PM GMT: new version]
[Edited by Oneiromancer on 11-17-2003 at 09:52 PM GMT]
He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an
unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder."
-- Tad Williams