L12 2E has a relatively easy solution that I'm not sure is the intended one:
Click here to view the secret text
×Once inside the castle, use one of the three potions to kill the snake. Then clear the rest of the room. You won't be able to open the yellow door in the outside area, but you won't need to - just go to the fourth potion, and use it to kill the last snake, opening the green door
In fact, there's an even easier solution:
Click here to view the secret text
×Enter the room so that you're standing on the serpent's head. It dies, and you have all the potions left.
I consider this a bug, but you might want to move the snake a bit so it's head isn't in the entrance.
I don't see how Level 12, 2N1E is solvable - I mean, maybe you can kill everything, but how can you ever leave the area in the bottom right of the screen? There's no way out, except to go back to 2N2E and 1N2E, but that's as far as you can go. I though you might have to go on the arrows, but that's impossible since there's nowhere you can step onto them from.
Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
[Edited by eytanz on 12-07-2003 at 05:08 AM GMT]
I got my avatar back! Yay!