ok, thoughts on 21 and 22:
Level 21:
I got to the end of this level and couldn't go back and that made me very frustrated, but about 1/2 way through working my way through the level again, I decided it wasn't all that bad the second time through. I had picked up some tricks to make the really tedious rooms less so.
1W: a nice puzzle. it requires efficiency, but you don't have to be perfect. you have to understand the room and how monsters work together, but not to the point of doing mindless trial and error. I think that the N orb ought to toggle the snake door as well (I don't see any particular reason to break symmetry unless you are trying to frustrate people).
1N: another subtle puzzle.
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×I'm a big fan of queen manipulation puzzles where you have to time the spawn to make sure that the queen doesn't get out of reach. This room has a variation I've never seen before (not being able to move laterally until just the right moment).
what are the columns (guarded by the red and yellow doors) for? Are they to kill the snakes? I didn't need them.
Also, you use the
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×stand on the green entrance door until things get under control in a number of the rooms on this level... I guess that's part of the theme?
Entrance: I'm not a huge fan of horde rooms, but this one is pretty simple once you figure out which trap doors to drop.
1S: Again, you need efficiency, but you don't have to be perfect. A check point might be nice over by the roach queens (I Think there's one under an arrow, but you can't use it without becoming trapped)
2S1E: The room never looked impossible to me (contrary to what the scroll said). It took forever to beat it and when I did, I stood up and celebrated. Its quite tedious and you have to be careful the whole way. I don't think you can make your point any better, but you can reduce some of the tediousness by adding some check points. I don't think it really matters where, but scattering about 6-8 of them around the room would help a lot.
1S1E: a decent ww puzzle. You have to figure out which entrance to come in. And you have all the major ww movement techniques incorporated into it. I've started to become a fan of ww rooms, though, so this one was pretty easy for me.
1E: not particularly difficult. I did have to go through it twice
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×the crumbly wall is impossible to see under the arrows, but I almost infered its existance after smiting roaches for 10 minutes
1N1E: Ugh... I hate large eyeball rooms like this. In fact, you have sooooo many rooms on this level (and other levels) where you just have to brute force your way through. At least there are plenty of check points. And there is some subtle manipulation to be had (involving the arrows above the roaches).
2N1E: a good puzzle. I was about to say that you don't need the tar timer and BOTH mimics. But I see what you're trying to do there. You might want to decrease the tar timer. Also, killing all the roaches with the mimic and limited movement space took a little bit of inginuity.
2E: There are two ways to do this puzzle. I think thats a good thing.
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×go in the maze, or stay outside - but you should put some check points in the corners on the outside
1S2E: I came in the wrong door here and spent a lot of time getting frustrated. After I found the right entrance, it was pretty straightforward for this type of room.
2S2E: This kind of room (with a few subtle gotchas) is nice every now and then. One suggestion: Make one square next to the entrance to the roaches be crumbly so that when you finally get up there, you can wade through the roaches in 1/2 the time. Either that, or remove some of the roaches.
3E: This is one of those puzzles that you give up on, go to bed, and then 2 hours later, you sit up and go: oh yeah! that's how you do it. The trapdoor maze is well planned and took some thinking about as well. My only complaint is that you can't go back to the other rooms once you finally leave.
1N3E: The only problem with this room is cleaning up the brain matter. Its not even difficult to get rid of the snakes if you've done a room or two like this before. This is a poster room for the "
kill all xxx monster totems"
1N4E: I was dreading doing this one again, but having done it once, I took an entirely different strategy and got through it a lot more quickly the second time.
and finally:
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×stop hiding stairs in the tar. really. I guess you can pretty much figure out that the stairs must be in 1N4E, and that they must be under that section of tar. But its still pretty low and annoying.
Level 22:
I went through this level pretty quickly. Nothing stood out as particularly tedious or difficult. I did like the trap door room 1N. I thought there were a few too many trap doors in 1W. And too many brains in 2E. I like levels where you have to go through rooms a couple of times. However, on this level, really you're just splitting the rooms up into separate parts (with the exception of 1W). In effect, you have two small rooms rather than one room which must be figured out differently from different entrances.
[Edited by stigant at
Local Time:02-13-2005 at 08:47 PM]
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