More tips:
7.Backwords, Some holds need puzzles to be sovled backwords such as:
Hmmmmm.... I need to open that door!
To open that door i need to hit that orb!
How do i hit it?
With a mimic!
Where do i get the mimic?
Behinde that red door!
How do i open that red door?
Make that trapdoor fall!
And so on.
8. Brainstorm,
This is where you have to think about a room,
Like you see 3 paths,
A roach queen, and a goblin.
Think about the lay out and see what you do such as:
That path is too long then that roach queen will spawn and i will die,
I can't go in that path,
When the roach queen spawns i'll have to stab ALL the roachs but the goblin will kill me.
But that path has the roachs blocking the goblins way so i can not die on that on.
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×I'm buliding a army to take over the internet! MUHAHAHAHA!.Ohhhhhhhh,
Oompa Loompa Doopity doo- ~Zork-zap-zoom~ Search Bayswater primary school
~Rs rules~
Lets do the party man!
:Explode: Awwwwwww did it work?
/\ Ah ha!
HOLDS: (GOOD AND NOT FINSHED) Map to Dugandy Prison.
Please, I admire Guthix, I solve problems, I fix rules too. I used to be a Scoundril, Complaining about the forums, But now i changed.
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×Everytime i get upset, I find another path, when i find that path no upset anymore, now knowladge in the place is happyness, In the flaw - Anson's 1st True poem.