A one level preview of CTD featuring Wraithwings!! I am aiming for a late November release, just a few minor things to add, and then it will be completed.
Count Theme's Dungeon originally started July 23, 2006 with Luigi's Hotel, which was later abandoned. A level of Luigi's Hotel would be included in CTD. Count Theme's Dungeon did not start until August 19th, when I started creating some more puzzles, working around the level from Luigi's Hotel.
The beta board soon followed on August 22, after I'd completed some more levels, and the testing started! And CTD was born.
Now a beautiful, masterpiece hold is awaiting publication, which will be Late November, give or take a few days. Right now I am working on polishing up a few rooms, and then the voice acting will soon be implemented in a couple of levels, so look for that too!
Here is a preview of a level, which will (hopefully) make you long for more...
Thanks to the wonderful testers who have devoted their time to CTD: (in no particular order
Elfstone, jjohn7418, Niccus, Pilchard VIII, Ezlo, Jason, bdwing, Kevin_P86, and Hikari! Thanks guys.
I am now accepting new, final beta testers for the final stages of the project. PM me for an invite! Thanks!
[Last edited by tokyokid at 10-29-2006 06:22 PM : I was so caught up in my words, I forgot the file!]