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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : "Wait until Speech finished"
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icon "Wait until Speech finished" (0)  
You know what I want. As of yet you cannot make a script that actually completes speaking before moving on.
01-30-2006 at 03:37 AM
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icon Re: "Wait until Speech finished" (0)  
This is impossible without totally rewriting the game engine. The speech is on a real-time based system that works totally independantly of the turn-based system the gameplay is on. You can start speech events, but you can't check for anything that happens speechwise. I think it is highly unlikely that this would ever change.

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01-30-2006 at 03:40 AM
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icon Re: "Wait until Speech finished" (0)  
Clayton Weiss wanted this, but I agree w/ Eytan.
01-30-2006 at 12:30 PM
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icon Re: "Wait until Speech finished" (0)  
I should point out that I want the feature request too, it's just technically impossible.

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01-30-2006 at 01:31 PM
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icon Re: "Wait until Speech finished" (0)  
What about setting the maximum turn duration of a particular bit of speech. The problem here (as I see it) is that the player moves through the room too quickly and the speech gets out of synch with what's going on in the room. If the architect could set the maximum number of turns to play the speech, the sound engine could cut off the speech when it no longer makes any sense (because the player is moving too quickly)

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[Last edited by stigant at 01-30-2006 01:53 PM]
01-30-2006 at 01:52 PM
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icon Re: "Wait until Speech finished" (+1)  
stigant wrote:
What about setting the maximum turn duration of a particular bit of speech. The problem here (as I see it) is that the player moves through the room too quickly and the speech gets out of synch with what's going on in the room. If the architect could set the maximum number of turns to play the speech, the sound engine could cut off the speech when it no longer makes any sense (because the player is moving too quickly)

That's possible right now - just add a script that waits for a certain amount of turns after the speech was inititated, then flushes speech.

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01-30-2006 at 02:18 PM
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icon Re: "Wait until Speech finished" (0)  
I think I understand the basic idea behind the speech engine: The script adds a piece of speech to the stack, and then it goes from first added to last added. The flush speech empties the stack, but how come the speech couldn't add to the standard event cue upon completion?
01-30-2006 at 02:23 PM
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icon Re: "Wait until Speech finished" (0)  
coppro wrote:
I think I understand the basic idea behind the speech engine: The script adds a piece of speech to the stack, and then it goes from first added to last added. The flush speech empties the stack, but how come the speech couldn't add to the standard event cue upon completion?

Because the gameplay engine is strictly turn-based - it only updates when Beethro makes a move. The speech engine goes on regardless of the moves. If you just don't do anything, the speech will keep playing.

Also, the speech can be manually flushed by the player by pressing space, which further makes it unpredictable.

Now, it seems to me that, in theory, it could still be possible to have a "check whether speech ended during last turn" command, but when a similar request was made back in the days of JtRH development (it's not like it didn't occur to people at the time), Mike assured us that that's just not possible the way the current engines are coded. If I understand correctly, then if DROD were rebuilt from scratch yet again, then maybe it could be done, but the DROD 2.0 engine just cannot be expanded in this way.

DROD 3.0 is not a rebuilding from scratch of DROD 2.0, so it still won't have this ability. I will say that you'll probably still be happier with what it allows you to do in this regard.

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01-30-2006 at 02:32 PM
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icon Re: "Wait until Speech finished" (0)  
I'd hope that a total rewrite of the DROD engine won't ever be on the cards, and that if it is Erik and Mike would look at developing a new game.

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[Last edited by Mattcrampy at 01-30-2006 11:26 PM : Less definite, more opinionated. It's like a microcosm of American media.]
01-30-2006 at 11:01 PM
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icon Re: "Wait until Speech finished" (+1)  
Eytan has the right of it. The game engine is designed in such a way that scripting events just can't respond to realtime events. One way to see this is that the save-game system works by saving your move sequence. If while you play the game, it takes 10 moves for a speech event to complete, but during restore it takes 12 moves (ignoring the fact that speech effects, like other effects, are discarded during game-restore), the room state won't match after the replay.

Also, if the game did have an event "wait for speech to complete," it would open the door for possible finger-twitch rooms that have to be completed in a certain amount of time. Consider:
speech Beethro "This takes three seconds to say"
wait for speech to complete
close door at <room-exit>
Now Beethro has to complete the room in 3 seconds and get past the exit door, or he can't get out.

I was charged with conspiracy to commit jay-walking, and accessory to changing lanes without signaling after the fact :blush.

++Adam H. Peterson
01-31-2006 at 01:39 AM
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icon Re: "Wait until Speech finished" (+1)  
I'll add another problem of the speeches.
Remember that when someone make an undo move, the speeches suddenly stop. It would be better to try to program something to solve this problem, that means continue the speeches even after an undo move. Hard to do, though.
01-31-2006 at 02:17 PM
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icon Re: "Wait until Speech finished" (0)  
AlefBet wrote:
Also, if the game did have an event "wait for speech to complete," it would open the door for possible finger-twitch rooms that have to be completed in a certain amount of time. Consider:
speech Beethro "This takes three seconds to say"
wait for speech to complete
close door at <room-exit>
Now Beethro has to complete the room in 3 seconds and get past the exit door, or he can't get out.
Heh heh... I was actually planning on doing that for the 6th room I ever designed. This was before members of the ol' forum offered me the salvation of sane architecture.
01-31-2006 at 09:38 PM
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