OK, yeah, necroing the thread sorta, but...
Schik, I don't suppose you'd mind telling me what it was that you actually *did* to get those gaps in my scores to upload a month or so ago? I've got a few more of them that turned up again (dratted CaravelNet key), but I can't seem to figure out how to get my copy of DROD to do a full upload like whatever you got to happen, even when I try exporting my player file, deleting, and re-importing.
EDIT: :feels bad: it somehow figures that I could try doing it five or six times over in a couple weeks and nothing happens, then as soon as I post something about it on the forum, suddenly it appears within DROD that something's actually happened when I clicked the button.

I guess once it's had a little time to crunch away at the server end, I'll see if I suddenly managed to get my scores to upload ^^;;
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[Last edited by Hikari at 06-05-2013 08:03 AM : Don't mind me, just stashing an image...]