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icon Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
I want to split communication for "Smite to the Death" contest into some different topics. This will be the main topic where you can discuss whatever you like related to the contest. Some other topics:

Hold Updates - Player commands and hold updates are released here. There is also a schedule of when cycles begin and end.
Pre-Update Work - Hold updates are released here in draft form before becoming final.
Original announcement - The original contest announcement with outdated rules is here as well as the flurry of follow-up entry posts, bids, and discussion. If you missed anything here, it's not really important. My aim is to consolidate anything rules-related here so past conversation need not be referenced.


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[Last edited by ErikH2000 at 10-09-2005 12:29 AM]
10-08-2005 at 08:44 PM
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Level: Legendary Smitemaster
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icon Smite to the Death - Revised Rules (0)  
These rules are revised from the original announcement in the following ways:
- The rules for entering and bidding have been removed since that stage of the contest has passed.
- Strategy section has been removed.
- Mimics are used instead of guards.
- Consequences of bomb kills described.
- Lame duck removal rule added.
- Handling of stalemate and similar conditions described.
- Language is briefer and less explanatory with the aim of being easier to read as a reference.

You don't need to go back and look at the old rules or q&a we had. Everything you need related to the rules should be right here. If you want something clarified, just ask, and I will try to keep the rules updated with my responses.


We'll put a bunch of smitemasters in one room and have them stab and slice until just one remains. The deadline for entering the contest has elapsed, and we are starting the contest with 57 players with an assigned sequence of movement and bid handicap.

I've created a DROD room that will contain one swordsmen for each of the entrants. Your sword-wielding character will have all of the abilities of a mimic. The goal is generally to eliminate as many of the other entrants as possible so you have a high "kill count".

Each "cycle" of the game is comprised of these events:
1. I post the first hold in the "Hold Update" topic. That post will include a deadline for commands to be submitted in response.
2. Players e-mail their commands to me. Commands for the cycle are accepted from the time the hold update is posted up until the deadline for that cycle.
3. After the cycle's deadline has passed, I post a complete list of submitted commands in the "Hold Update" topic.
4. Myself or someone else will work on the hold update for the next cycle, which involves scripting characters in the hold so that they follow player commands.

These cycles repeat until only one player is left, at which point the game ends.

Issuing Commands

As an entrant, you would control one swordsman in the room. Every two days, you have an opportunity to submit 5 movement commands.

There is a lot of work involved in updates and many ways to screw up. Please help make this tedious data entry task easier to deal with by following a very specific format for submitting your commands. An example of the desired format:

#07 q w 8 5 5 (The Spitemaster)

(Color added here to identify different parts--I'm not asking you to color-code your submissions.)

Forum handle

The first three letters should contain your sequence# that was assigned based on your bid. If your sequence# is single-digit (less than "10"), pad it with a zero, i.e. "#07" instead of just "#7".

Then you have your five commands separated by spaces. Valid commands are:

q - Turn sword counter-clockwise.
w - Turn sword clockwise.
7 - Move northwest (up-left).
8 - Move north (up).
9 - Move northeast (up-right).
4 - Move west (left).
5 - Wait without moving.
6 - Move east (right).
1 - Move southwest (down-left).
2 - Move south (down)
3 - Move southeast (down-right).

Commands will be performed from left to right, so your leftmost movement code will be performed first. If your commands contain invalid movement codes, the wrong number of movement codes, or any other formatting problem that makes the command ambiguous or hard to deal with, I will substitute "5 5 5 5 5" for what you've given me.

Following the five commands, add your forum name in parentheses.

This specially-formatted set of commands is just going to get copy-and-pasted into a post with other commands. I don't want to edit 57 individual commands to make it look right. That's why I'm so specific about the format.

Don't post your moves publicly--that can allow other entrants to react to your moves when they submit their's. E-mail your commands to You should receive an auto-reply that says something like "Your commands for cycle #5 have been received." If you see an auto-reply like "I'm not accepting commands now." then that means you either submitted too early (not accepting commands yet for the cycle) or too late (you sent your e-mail after or very close to the deadline). For the latter case, consider that the deadline is for your e-mail arriving in my inbox. You don't have control over our two mail servers and all the internet in between it, so I would try to get your message with commands sent to me at least a half hour before the actual deadline to make sure it gets delivered in time. If I don't get your commands in time, then you'll just be put down for "5 5 5 5 5".

Turn Sequence

Turn sequence was determined in a previous contest stage. Here is the order in which turns are taken:
#1  4 StuartK
#2  4 md5i
#3  3 Abbyzzmal
#4  3 Alneyan
#5  3 Muiff
#6  3 HopelessAmateur
#7  3 The Spitemaster
#8  3 StephenForLouise
#9  3 VortexSurfer
#10 2 Rabscuttle
#11 2 Oneiromancer
#12 2 TripleM
#13 2 ClaytonW
#14 2 Malarame
#15 2 Yellow_Mage
#16 2 bradwall
#17 2 Krishh
#18 2 Jacob
#19 2 RubellaGolda
#20 2 RuAdam
#21 1 Schik
#22 1 Leus
#23 1 Mattcrampy
#24 1 trick
#25 1 Andy101
#26 1 Tim
#27 1 DelverDom
#28 1 Banjooie
#29 0 stigant
#30 0 larrymurk
#31 0 eytanZ
#32 0 RoboBob3000
#33 0 Doom
#34 0 worm
#35 0 gamer_extreme_101
#36 0 NekoIncardine
#37 0 Korgath
#38 0 Nillo
#39 0 Znirk
#40 0 KevG
#41 0 zaubberer
#42 0 Jeff_Ray
#43 0 Svante
#44 0 leroy00
#45 0 wallu
#46 0 MeckMeck GRE
#47 0 vylycyn
#48 0 cheese obsessive
#49 0 Penumbra
#50 0 agaricus5
#51 0 bdwing
#52 0 forrestfire
#53 0 techant
#54 0 Someone Else
#55 0 Crazy Ivan
#56 0 Kevin
#57 0 Mouse

For each turn, only one of the entrant's commands will be performed. So if "stuartk" (#1) submitted "4 2 w w w" and "md5i" (#2) submitted "3 7 q q q" for their commands, the first cycle would go like this:

Turn 1
Player #1's "4" command is performed.
Player #2's "3" command is performed.
Player #3's first command is performed.
Player #57's first command is performed.

Turn 2
Player #1's "2" command is performed.
Player #2's "7" command is performed.
Player #3's second command is performed.
Player #57's second command is performed.

...and then for turn 3, 4, and 5, everyone's 3rd, 4th, and 5th commands are performed.

Resolving Movement

The results of movement will be determined by the DROD game itself. Your character will be a scripted mimic NPC. Your commands will be added to the script without any thought given to their consequences. If moving up makes you hit a wall, you'll simply bump into that wall and not move. There won't be any chance for us to correct the command you gave us, even if it is obvious you intended something else than what you submitted. So it is very important for you to doublecheck your commands before submitting. Furthermore, you should probably doublecheck that we've updated the hold correctly with your move in the "Pre-Update" topic.

One related question that has come up a few times: What if you walk into another player's sword? Your movement would be blocked and it would be the same as pressing "5" (wait) for that turn. Note that this follows from the "physics" of mimic NPCs. Adding a script command for a mimic to walk onto a square containing another mimic's sword will cause the guard to stay in his square without moving.

There is no simultaneous movement. Two players can't kill each other on the same turn. The sequence of movement is described in the previous section.

Lame Ducks

If you don't submit commands for two cycles in a row, you'll be removed from the game on the second of the two cycles. So in the first cycle, if you don't submit commands, your character would sit in place for 5 turns. And then when you didn't submit commands for the next cycle, I'd drop you from the game. You'd keep your kill count from previous cycles. No points would be added to your kill count.

There is one exception: if you are among the top three players by kill count minus your bid handicap, you won't be removed. See "Winning" section for how rank is calculated.

Thes Lame Duck rules are so that there aren't a lot of easy kills laying around for the taking. I think that if this rule weren't here, players would notice an inactive "5 5 5 5 5" player next to them and kill them on the next cycle. And it would be really good luck (too good) to be next to an inactive player.

If you really want your character to stay put, just submit "5 5 5 5 5" and you won't be removed. If you're not available to submit commands at certain times, then find an alternate who isn't currently in the game to decide on and submit commands on your behalf.


Below are the different ways you can die. Except for one, they all follow from the rules governing mimics in normal DROD gameplay.

If another player's sword enters your square, you die and are removed from the game. One point is added to the stabbing player's kill count.

If a bomb goes off by fuse and you are in the blast radius, then you die, and whoevever lit the fuse will have one point added to their kill count for you. (It is possible that you lit the fuse, in which case you would get the point.)

If you stab a bomb with your sword, then you die, and one point is added to your own kill count. Also, if you kill anyone else with the blast, these are kills are also added to your count.

If there is no possible way for another player to reach you through any combination of movements which could include hitting orbs, then you die. No points are added to anyone's kill count.

You can die and still win the game, as we'll see next.


Entrants are scored by their number of kills with their bid handicap subtracted from it. So by kill count, first place winner will receive 100 rank points and any item of his choosing from the Prize Pile, second place winner takes 50 rank points, and the third place winner gets 25 rank points. If you've never participated in any DROD contest before, and this is your first contest, then you'll get a 10 rank point "rookie" bonus for trying something new.

What if people have the same kill count? In that case, of those having the same kill count, whoever survived longer will be ranked higher.

Stalemate and Related Situations

I don't want to describe all the possible situations that could occur, but the gist is that the board could end up in a certain way where everything gets really boring. I.e. a middle player won't let people in from the outside, or a guy on the left side of the board needs 7 cycles to trek over to a guy on the right side. In cases like these, I may decide to move players or even put them in a new arena to keep the action alive. If your strategy is based on hiding from conflict, there will probably be an intervention.

No Private Sharing of Game Information

You can talk about all aspects of the game at any time, but it must be done publicly in this topic or, if appropriate, the "pre-update work" topic. If you have a question to ask me, please ask it publicly unless it really needs to be private.

Don't provide game information privately to anyone else or even offer to--that will disqualify you. And for the sake of the game, if anyone approaches you with private game information, please tattle on him to me and I'll disqualify him. Simply asking someone if they would like to coordinate movements with you in private or exchange any form of private game information is going to disqualify you. Unfortunately, ignorance of the rule can't excuse you, or the rule may not be effective.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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[Last edited by ErikH2000 at 10-09-2005 01:45 AM]
10-08-2005 at 09:46 PM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (+1)  
Just because it's kind of hidden in the middle of the instructions: you need to mail your moves to, not Erik's personal address! Make sure it's formatted correctly, like the instructions say!

Game on,

"He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder." -- Tad Williams
10-08-2005 at 11:58 PM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
wallu wrote:
I read the rules and two thing came into my mind.

Does the game end instantly when there is only one man standing? If not, then the one could commit suicide with possibly available bomb. :~( And earn one extra kill. :)
The game ends if there is one player left, whether he can suicide or not.
I think that Lame Duck rule sucks in one situation. If a player has so great kill advantage that other could catch him/her only by killing every player in the game. Then the player in lead (and more than 5 moves away from others) could stop sending commands for two rounds. Thus he/she would be removed from game and there would be critically less kills left. I think that this behaviour should be considered at least as unsportsmanlike conduct. Therefore, I suggest that Lame Duck rule does not apply to players in top 3.
That's not a bad idea. Okay, if you are in the top 3 (kill count - handicap), then you won't be removed with the Lame Duck rule.

I'll update the rules.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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10-09-2005 at 12:21 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (+1)  
Seems to me that if I were in the top 3 position, and that was required, I'd ram my sword into a bomb, get an extra kill, and guarantee my slot.
10-09-2005 at 12:25 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
Banjooie wrote:
Seems to me that if I were in the top 3 position, and that was required, I'd ram my sword into a bomb, get an extra kill, and guarantee my slot.
If there was a bomb left over, that might be a good strategy.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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10-09-2005 at 12:28 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
The rules still misspell "dying".

I got my avatar back! Yay!

[Last edited by eytanz at 10-09-2005 12:45 AM]
10-09-2005 at 12:44 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
I submitted my move sequence a short while ago, and haven't gotten an auto-reply (I checked my spam box and it's not trapped there either)

I got my avatar back! Yay!
10-09-2005 at 12:56 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
It turns out that the current version of Thunderbird doesn't have autoreply. So I have to manually copy-and-paste replies to the 50-some e-mails.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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10-09-2005 at 01:03 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
ErikH2000 wrote:
It turns out that the current version of Thunderbird doesn't have autoreply. So I have to manually copy-and-paste replies to the 50-some e-mails.


Blech. Can't Schik rig something up on the server level?

I got my avatar back! Yay!

[Last edited by eytanz at 10-09-2005 01:06 AM]
10-09-2005 at 01:06 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Revised Rules (0)  
ErikH2000 wrote:

If a bomb goes off by fuse and you are in the blast radius, then you die, and whoevever lit the fuse will have one point added to their kill count for you. (It is possible that you lit the fuse, in which case you would get the point.)

If you stab a bomb with your sword, then you die, and one point is added to your own kill count.

Does this mean that you don't get points for blowing up other people by swording a bomb?
10-09-2005 at 01:20 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
eytanz wrote:
Blech. Can't Schik rig something up on the server level?
Nope. The incoming email is not in my domain. It lives on a different server that I don't have access to.

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10-09-2005 at 01:44 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Revised Rules (0)  
Rabscuttle wrote:
If you stab a bomb with your sword, then you die, and one point is added to your own kill count.

Does this mean that you don't get points for blowing up other people by swording a bomb? No, you will get points for any other kills caused by the explosion. I apologize for leaving that out.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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10-09-2005 at 01:44 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
My first five moves have been submitted. This is exciting. :D

10-09-2005 at 06:29 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
What happens if you light a fuse, but someone else strikes the bomb it's attached to? Do you get the points for the kills, or does the person who struck the bomb get them?

Resident Medic/Mycologist
10-09-2005 at 09:16 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (+1)  
To all my 56 newfound friends: you are so going to wind up dead. The power of the number Four has been recorded throughout history: think about all the things that come in four! For example... well, the four elements for starters, and then... You know... I mean... Well...

I am also suggesting an alliance to take *him* down: just look through the wall, where Beethro waits. He quaffed a whole keg of mimic liquid, thus putting us in that situation. We *must* kill him before he can do any more mischief! Don't you recall how he used us to feed himself, how he sends us to deal with traps, goblins, and the like, how he stabs us in the back as soon as we are useless? Now has come the day when we pay him back for all his kindness: the finest hour for mimics has come at last!
10-09-2005 at 09:19 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (+1)  
Truly, the Yellow Peril must be exceedingly woozy after drinking 57 mimic potions, at the very least, comrades! He must be feeling very ill indeed, even a little bit green! But the Green Peril does not roll so easily off the tongue.

Today, comrades, we make our final stand! If we work together, we can finally best the Delver of Oppression in his little Box of the Bourgeois! And for those of you who are not convinced, who plan to turn against the People, there is also a checkpoint in there. It may be a Checkpoint of Freedom, but we'd have to get a good look at it, and it's in the aforementioned Box of the Bourgeois, so it's been a little tricky.

One sword alone will not break through the Wall of Tyranny, but 57 swords, striking as one, might fare better! The People Shall Not Be Denied! Viva la revuleution! Er, revaletiuon! Er, revoevoleuteition! Er, revolution!

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10-09-2005 at 09:47 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (+1)  
Mattcrampy wrote:
Viva la revuleution! Er, revaletiuon! Er, revoevoleuteition! Er, revolution!
I think in this specific case, what you mean is réévaluation.
10-09-2005 at 11:02 AM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (-1)  
Unsubscribe me: i'm too busy with fixing myself an annoying bug on patch 2.0.10

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10-09-2005 at 12:46 PM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
agaricus5 wrote:
What happens if you light a fuse, but someone else strikes the bomb it's attached to? Do you get the points for the kills, or does the person who struck the bomb get them?

The way I understand the rules, it's the person responsible for the explosion. So if the bomb goes off because of the fuse, the fuse-lighter gets the points. Otherwise, the fuse-hitter gets them.

I got my avatar back! Yay!
10-09-2005 at 12:55 PM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
Is there any chance you could also post an image of the current situation along with the hold update? 'Cause my computer doesn't have Internet, and I'm not allowed to install large games on this one.

“Folks say that if you listen real close at the height of the full moon, when the wind is blowin' off Nantucket Sound from the nor' east and the dogs are howlin' for no earthly reason, you can hear the awful screams of the crew of the 'Ellie May,' a sturdy whaler Captained by John McTavish; for it was on just such a night when the rum was flowin' and, Davey Jones be damned, big John brought his men on deck for the first of several screaming contests.”
10-09-2005 at 02:09 PM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (+5)  
i miss my bid!

in this topic i edited my sign-up to place my bid...

...sounds like a great one!

so i'll try it too.

hope i don't die to easrly


EDITED to place my bid: i bid 3 kills.
[Last edited by zaubberer at 10/05/2005 7:48PM]


10-09-2005 at 04:15 PM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
eytanz wrote:
agaricus5 wrote:
What happens if you light a fuse, but someone else strikes the bomb it's attached to? Do you get the points for the kills, or does the person who struck the bomb get them?

The way I understand the rules, it's the person responsible for the explosion. So if the bomb goes off because of the fuse, the fuse-lighter gets the points. Otherwise, the fuse-hitter gets them.
Yep, what Eytan said.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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10-09-2005 at 05:14 PM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
Jeff_Ray... wrote:
Unsubscribe me: i'm too busy with fixing myself an annoying bug on patch 2.0.10
Jeff, are you saying you want to be removed from the contest? That's fine, but I'm just making sure.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
dev journals | twitch stream | youtube archive (NSFW)
10-09-2005 at 05:15 PM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
Nillo wrote:
Is there any chance you could also post an image of the current situation along with the hold update? 'Cause my computer doesn't have Internet, and I'm not allowed to install large games on this one.
People are welcome to post screenshots for cycles here. I'm trying to save myself time on the updates wherever I can, so I don't want to do it myself.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
dev journals | twitch stream | youtube archive (NSFW)
10-09-2005 at 05:21 PM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (+2)  
Nillo wrote:
Is there any chance you could also post an image of the current situation along with the hold update? 'Cause my computer doesn't have Internet, and I'm not allowed to install large games on this one.
Hope this helps... :thumbsup

[Last edited by HopelessAmateur at 10-09-2005 06:22 PM]
10-09-2005 at 06:20 PM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
zaubberer wrote:
i miss my bid!

in this topic i edited my sign-up to place my bid...

...sounds like a great one!

so i'll try it too.

hope i don't die to easrly


EDITED to place my bid: i bid 3 kills.
[Last edited by zaubberer at 10/05/2005 7:48PM]


Sorry, I posted the bids and left them open for corrections for a while, but now that time has passed. It's too much work to correct the sequence now that we've begun accepting moves. I don't expect that people stay glued to their computer to fix things like this. I'm just saying that I tried to be fair about it, but we have to move on.

I'll kick you some extra rank points to try and make up for any unfairness.


The Godkiller - Chapter 1 available now on Steam. It's a DROD-like puzzle adventure game.
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10-09-2005 at 06:31 PM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
Thanks for the picture, Hopeless Amateur! Man, that sounds wrong.

I would be very grateful if you or somebody else could continue posting updates. I will save some mod points for the one who does.

“Folks say that if you listen real close at the height of the full moon, when the wind is blowin' off Nantucket Sound from the nor' east and the dogs are howlin' for no earthly reason, you can hear the awful screams of the crew of the 'Ellie May,' a sturdy whaler Captained by John McTavish; for it was on just such a night when the rum was flowin' and, Davey Jones be damned, big John brought his men on deck for the first of several screaming contests.”
10-09-2005 at 09:54 PM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
ErikH2000 wrote:
I want to split communication for "Smite to the Death" contest into some different topics. This will be the main topic where you can discuss whatever you like related to the contest. Some other topics:
Topic switching is getting to be a bit difficult, especially as there are several non-contest threads on the board in front of them.

Could they all be temporarily stickied for the contest's duration?

Resident Medic/Mycologist
10-09-2005 at 10:00 PM
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icon Re: Smite to the Death - Start Here (0)  
hi @ all!

i have a question about the time.....

i live in germany with 'cest' (central european summer time) so now it is monday about 1:25 am. which correction must i use to submit my moves in correct time?

(but may be i will see it by the recorded time of this posting :) )

EDIT: ok, i have to add 11 hours to get 'official time'...



[Last edited by zaubberer at 10-10-2005 12:28 AM]
10-10-2005 at 12:25 AM
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