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icon Builder Tutorial Hold (+3)  
Ok, The basic premises would be a hold tutorial for DROD:JTRH. I remembered ZZT had something like this. The hold would include monster behavior, architectural information (such as how different walls work with each other), and how scripting works.

NOTE: I will not be able to work on this hold for a few months because of problems accessing the computer where I work on holds. As of now I hearby give permision for ANYBODY to take this idea and run with it. I am sorry about this. Thanks to Banjooie again for the monster rooms. They were great! :thumbsup
Now Back to the original post.

I have already started but I need some help because I have 2 problems.
1) Sometimes I get a bit wordy with the scrolls or I badly mispell words. The help I would need for this is for someone to make sure I don't run on to long or mess up to badly.
2) I would need help with certain rooms because as much as my delusions tell me I am a good puzzle maker, I know better.

To combat the first when I make any rooms with scrolls in them I will post them here. As a note: in the beginning I am looking for utility over beauty, so if/when you download the rooms it will not look nice in the beginning. When over half of this idea is done I will work on making it look nice.

As for the second I would appreciate any help I could get. You will be credited with your name in the room you help with as well as anything I can do to help(I would also like ideas on how to reward helpers, because I feel as if I am shortchanging anyone that would help).

Note: Current file is attached to my last post below.

Current things I will need help with:
--A room that shows how Tunnels work. Including the strange things you can do with them.
--A room that shows snake movement and how it works.
--A room that shows how Brains work, what they see and what they don’t see.
--I know the wubba’s are going to give me a headache, so if anyone can help that would be nice.
--If you want to make a room that shows how a certain monster level element works please post here to let me know.
--If you want to make any of rooms better looking just let me know which ones you want to work on.

Current things other people are working on:
--Banjooie has volunteered to help with:
---The monster rooms
----So Far They Look GREAT!

Current things I am working on:
--I was working on scripting and a little of everything else, but the computer where I do the building is currently out of my reach. Read the note above

This list will be updated if/when things change. Please let me know what you think.

Update 1: Loaded most recent hold version for viewing.
Update 2: Made rooms for the diffrent room styles, and re uploaded the file
Update 3: Fixed scrolls and stairs in main hall and changed the secret room
Update 4: Added the "Oh Joy! It's Scripting Time!" level and started working on it. Note: I can tell this one is going to eat up a LOT of space with the pictures of the scripting interface.
Update 5&6: The Monsters and The Music Room have been added. Thanks to Banjooie for the monster rooms.
Update 7: Adjusted a bunch of rooms; Relized I forgot to change where the stairs from the monster rooms went; worked on the bomb room a bit(I might want to change that into a couple rooms).
Update 8: Scripting room have gotten a major face-lift. Before the mildew invasion I was tring to make it look like the monster rooms Banjooie built.

[Last edited by Azsedcf at 09-13-2005 02:52 AM]
08-25-2005 at 06:08 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon Re: As if I did not have enough things to do. (+1)  
....this is a really, really, really good idea.

I'm going to take a look at what you've got thus far.

Edit: Okay.

The secret room is a bit...tedious. I like the idea, though.

I don't see why a hold built for architects would require mastering to edit it.

The monsters area is seriously going to need more than 'here is what they look like'. I'm willing to toy with that.

The Monster/Wall interactions scrolls/stairs are switched. I dunno which ones.

The wall palette thing is cool.

I have no JtRH full version, so I can't comment on the room styles.

But totally, sure, gimme what you'd like me to poke at and I'll do it.

[Last edited by Banjooie at 08-25-2005 09:11 PM]
08-25-2005 at 08:51 PM
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Level: Goblin
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Registered: 04-05-2005
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icon Re: As if I did not have enough things to do. (+1)  
Banjooie wrote:
The secret room is a bit...tedious. I like the idea, though.

I don't see why a hold built for architects would require mastering to edit it.
Sorry, the idea behind this room was going to be used for another hold I am currently working on. I will move it back and scale it down. As for the mastering I was woried about that and wondered if it was to much. I will remove that comment and make sure that I do not set it for masters edit.

--Secret room changed.

Banjooie wrote:
The monsters area is seriously going to need more than 'here is what they look like'. I'm willing to toy with that.
Thanks. Just as a little information, the original use for this hold was so I could test ideas and weather certian things would or would not work. With that room I was testing which things were considered monsters or not(I had to use this room to find the slayer was not).

I also used it for tar testing, for example the tar or mud eyes with no tar under it does not count as tar or mud for the black gates. but if you let it go through a spawn cycle it does count as tar or mud.

Ok I am signing you up for general monster rooms. If there is anything else you want to work with then let me know.

Banjooie wrote:
The Monster/Wall interactions scrolls/stairs are switched. I dunno which ones.
I will check this right now. Thanks. Fixed.

Update 3: Fixed scrolls and stairs in main hall and changed the secret room
Update 4: Added the "Oh Joy! It's Scripting Time!" level and started working on it. Note: I can tell this one is going to eat up a LOT of space with the pictures of the scripting interface

[Last edited by Azsedcf at 08-26-2005 09:16 AM]
08-26-2005 at 03:04 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 12-12-2004
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icon Re: As if I did not have enough things to do. (+1)  
Note: I don't think you actually need pictures of the scripting interface, just very well-made scrolls.

Also, working on the monster rooms right now. IS there a way to copy rooms between holds?
08-26-2005 at 06:57 PM
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Level: Goblin
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Registered: 04-05-2005
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icon Re: As if I did not have enough things to do. (0)  
Yes there is. In the main build window(where you make new levels and set the styles) you select the room you wish to copy, press Ctrl-C, move to the place you want to paste it, then press Ctrl-V.
08-26-2005 at 08:30 PM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 12-12-2004
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File: Monsters Addition.hold (34.3 KB)
Downloaded 70 times.
License: Other
From: Unspecified
icon Re: As if I did not have enough things to do. (+1)  
Well, then. I'm going to be putting up my level for this later tonight. Just copy and paste it into your hold. Or somesuch.

Argh, I am a terrible, terrible liar.

I'm not entirely done, I got sidetracked by things.

What I've got attached is what I've got so far.

[Last edited by Banjooie at 08-27-2005 04:44 AM]
08-26-2005 at 11:25 PM
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Level: Goblin
Rank Points: 27
Registered: 04-05-2005
IP: Logged
icon Re: As if I did not have enough things to do. (+1)  
Sorry about the delay but life just keeps me away from here sometimes.

Ok. The new monster rooms look great!

Errors, Questions, & Changes(From the top of the level to the bottem):
Over all-> I changed some of the placements of some of the extra roaches so as to match up from room to room. Will you be making a room for the slayer?

4N-> I broke up the scroll into 2, because the text was running past the bottem. Also,
Click here to view the secret text

1S-> The scroll for the how rattle snakes respond to arrows and scrolls sounds as if it could go over arrows the compleatly wrong way when it can not.

2S4E-> you had a green door that would keep people from getting out of the room. I fixed this.

2S2W-> The impassible set has had their wall extended to remove the trival solution.
Empty Floor=_
From this:
Click here to view the secret text

To this:
Click here to view the secret text

3S-> Instaid of this "Admittedly, there is a bit of inevitable overlay in this area. I apologize for the redundancy." would "Admittedly, there is a bit of inevitable overlap in the information in this area. I apologize for the redundancy."?

4S-> Is this the only bit with the spiders?

4S4W-> The seeps on the West and south wall can not be killed. Is this on purpose?

5S-> Did you block off the halph section on purpose?

5S2E-> You did not have a trapdoor and monster example. I added them.

5S1W to 5S3W-> These were set to required. I fixed that.

Thats it. Very good job.

Update 5&6: The Monsters and The Music Room have been added. Thanks to Banjooie for the Monsters.

[Last edited by Azsedcf at 08-28-2005 05:04 AM]
08-28-2005 at 04:52 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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Registered: 12-12-2004
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icon Re: As if I did not have enough things to do. (0)  
4N: Look at the maze a little closer.

1S: Argh, I'm dumb.

2S4E: Wait, why do I still have green doors? I thought I got rid of them all.

2S2E: Not entirely sure what made that doable, but okay.

4S: Can you think of /any/ creative uses for spiders besides 'instead of roaches'? Because, like, I've never seen any.

5S: ...uh, no, I just screwed up. Wow. That was pathetic.

Re: Brains, Guards, Slayers

As I said, I didn't really finish entirely. If you wanna poke at that, you can, but I'm not LOOKING at that editor for a while now. @_@;

08-28-2005 at 08:11 AM
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Level: Goblin
Rank Points: 27
Registered: 04-05-2005
IP: Logged

File: Information - Levels for Hold Architects.hold (70.1 KB)
Downloaded 91 times.
License: Other
From: Unspecified
icon Re: As if I did not have enough things to do. (0)  
I am sorry about sounding sinpey. I did not mean to sound that way. I am currently going full time at collage and it was late at night when I wrote that. I realy appreashiate the help you are giving. You dont need to do it all in one go, take your time and don't burn yourself out, Thats My Job!

Anyway, I will try to have an update in the next day or 2.

Part 2:

So as to avoid a double post I will just append the updates to this one.

For everybodys information: finals are coming up. For the next two weeks I will try to work on the hold but my school work comes first. Sorry.

Update 7: Adjusted a bunch of rooms; Relized I forgot to change where the stairs from the monster rooms went; worked on the bomb room a bit(I might want to change that into a couple rooms).
Part 3:

Good news: Finals are done.
Bad news: I know my scores suck. I am going to have to take those courses over again.

Bad news: My bathroom, which is attached to my bedroom, had decided to have a party invinting all the mildew from 4 miles around. It went from almost none to "Oh-God I Can See It From Space".

Worse news: I am heavly allerigic to mildew. The worse part of it is that my lungs close up.

Cr@ptastic news: It will take a few months for the bathroom to be striped down and cleaned.

Bad news: My tower is in my room.

Information for logical conclusion: JTRH and a few other projects are on my tower in my room.

egro: I will not be able to work on this project for a while(read: a few months). If someone else wants to take over this hold, go ahead I give my permision for anyone else to finish this hold!

I was able to get the latest export of the hold.

Update 8: Scripting room have gotten a major face-lift. Before the mildew invasion I was tring to make it look like the monster rooms Banjooie built.

[Last edited by Azsedcf at 09-13-2005 02:41 AM]
08-29-2005 at 03:29 AM
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Someone Else
Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 2362
Registered: 06-14-2005
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icon Re: Builder Tutorial Hold (0)  
Error: in the foundation room style the custom image does not look like the pit
You might want to add a few more scrolls in the bombs and fuses room, about the splitting of fuses, the effect of force arrows, and yellow doors cutting fuses

[Last edited by Someone Else at 10-12-2005 12:27 AM : more things to edit]
10-12-2005 at 12:11 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1645
Registered: 12-12-2004
IP: Logged
icon Re: Builder Tutorial Hold (0)  
Well, since, like, I've done some nonsense with this hold already, I might as well keep poking at it.
10-12-2005 at 04:57 AM
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