Don't be so critical to yourself, the hold is realy good. Here are some comments:
×Level of death:
Entrance: Looks chaotic at first, but it is not so hard if one menage to kill the brains.
1N: Easier than it looks, altough the fanciest room in this level.
2N: Easy.
3N: The trapdoor-forcearrow puzzle may be extended for more fun.
2N1E: You may want to add a checkpoint.
2N1W: Nice room for level ending.
Level of fear:
Now the things are changed with a sudden jump

You may add an additional level in between in order to scale the difficulty.
Entrance: I like this type of puzzles - no room for mistakes
1E: In the begining this room made me crazy. Usualy when I see trapdoors and red door, I start droping down the trapdoors. I screamed when I understand that I don't have to! Nice room!
2E: I spend a lot of time to find the right way for solving.
3E: Looks easier than it is

1S2E: Nothing special about this one but looks nice on the screen.
2S2E: OK. I hate tar-covered mazes but the hints in the scrolls seem to be enough for solving.
1N3E: The craziest room in the hold. Even when I realized how to solve it wasn't so easy to do it. Checkpoint, please!
1N2E: My Favorite! Looks impossible in the begining. I like this!
1N1E: Good idea. Long live the symetry

1N: Nice room, kind of challenge.
1N1E: This is one of my favorite too. A briliant idea of how to control several rouches at once.
So, as a summary, I like your hold very much. It is interesting, fun and bugs free (instead of this blue door