Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 915
Registered: 01-18-2005
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File: GeneralTiles_30_ugly.png (137.4 KB) Downloaded 373 times. License: Other
Re: Make everything ugly (+7)
I sort of extended AlefBet's free graphics to 3.0. I'm not sure what license he would have chosen, so I put in " other" for now. As far as I'm concerned, my mods are Creative Commons Sharealike Noncommercial Attribution, but that might be incompatible with his choices.
I don't have AlefBet's perl script, I just have the output of his script, so I hand-drew a bunch of ugly tiles, and copied some of his with color-shifts to fill in spots. overall, it took me some 4-6 hours to make this whole file and accompanying text file... it took a while to draw the briar - even though I could use cut and paste for my version - I have profound respect for whatever poor spirit had to draw it and actually make it look nice.
As with AlefBet's original file for 2.0, this is NOT INTENDED FOR GAMEPLAY.
What the graphic exists for is to supplement the text below... the text below might say " 4 black doors" but you need the graphic to see which orientation the doors are in... or I might say " 4 smoke" and you can use the graphic to see which ones are " more full" and which are " more dispersed" ...
the text is only secreted because it's big and long. the left column is numbers appropriate for your .tim file, and the right column is the key.
I didn't include floor/obstacles because that information can be derived from vylycyn's SanctumTwo 3.0 release here:
(because the zip file includes a .tim file and the images are more distinct and usable).
Instructions for use can be inferred from earlier in this thread, and from my conversations with Mike here: (which also includes some notes on limitations of GeneralTiles modding)
by the way, the sprites for image wall, image pit, image floor, wall light, ceiling light only appear in the editor.
Click here to view the secret text ×
0-7,765-772 # 8 decoy, 8 guard
16-23,361-368 # 8 decoy sword, 8 guard sword
32-39,256,348,458,1595-1598,1670 # 8 beethro, 2 checkpoint, ortho square, cracked orb,
# broken orb, 1-use plate, 1-use plate used, lightpost
48-55,343-347,377-378,459 # 8 beethro sword, 5 swirly-entrance dots, 2 goblin blood, 1 slayer debris
240-247,208-215 # 8 mimic, 8 wraithwing
224-239 # 8 mimic sword, 8 wraithwing alt
1663-1669,1353,72-79 # arrow CW token, arrow CCW token, mud/tar token, gel/tar token, mud/gel token,
# power token inactive, power token active, citizen token, 8 sleeping evil eye
80-95 # 8 roach, 8 sleeping evil eye alt
96-103,261-264,267-268,110,283 # 8 roach alt, 2 blood, 2 debris, 2 vermin, snoring zzzz, master wall
112-119,1515-1516,257-258,60-63 # 8 roach queen, 2 snowflake A, 2 tar blood, 2 tar mother open, 2 tar mother closed
128-135,1517-1518,106-107,791-794 # 8 roach queen alt, 2 snowflake A, 2 mud blood, 2 mud mother open, 2 mud mother closed
176-178,265,179-181,266,521-528 # 4 roach egg, 4 roach egg alt, 8 seep
144-151,529-536 # 8 goblin, 8 seep alt
160-167,202,204,435-437,454-456 # 8 goblin, wubba, wubba alt, bomb, 2 explosion, 3 spark
193-197,457,198-199,206-207,275-276,284,157-158,269 # scroll, orb active, orb, mimic potion, invisibility potion, decoy potion,
# brain, brain alt, 4 eyebeam, image wall, 2 explosion, hot tile
285-287,260,298-300,312,313-315,327,328-330,342 # 4 yellow door, 4 green door, 4 blue door, 4 red door
288-290,295,301-303,308,316-318,323,331-333,338 # 4 yellow door, 4 green door, 4 blue door, 4 red door
291-293,259,304-306,311,319-321,326,334-336,341 # 4 yellow door, 4 green door, 4 blue door, 4 red door
297,294,296,42,310,307,309,43,325,322,324,58,340,337,339,183 # 4 yellow door, 4 green door, 4 blue door, 4 red door
397-399,411,438-441,537-539,551,1169-1172 # 4 black door, 4 fuse active, 4 dropped yellow door, 4 fuse
400-402,407,442-445,540-542,547,1173-1176 # 4 black door, 4 fuse active, 4 dropped yellow door, 4 fuse
403-405,410,446-449,543-545,550,1177-1180 # 4 black door, 4 fuse active, 4 dropped yellow door, 4 fuse
409,406,408,412,450-453,549,546,548,41,1181-1184 # 4 black door, 4 fuse active, 4 dropped yellow door, 4 fuse
413-420,429,1519-1520,248,108,249,254,253 # 8 golem, rock pile, 2 snowflake B, 5 tar
421-428,430,1521-1522,192,59,122,56,40 # 8 golem alt, rock pile alt, 2 snowflake B, 5 tar
11-12,27,277,1256,382-383,391,1350,1671,182,250,203,251,29,252 # 3 serpent, vision token, vision token active,
# 3 rattler, disarm token, disarmed token, water top, 5 tar
25,9,14-15,44,389,380,385-386,392,!1,803,799,804,809,808 # 5 serpent, 5 rattler, blank, 5 mud
8,26,30-31,13,379,390,394-395,384,1347,801,798,800,797,796 # 5 serpent, 5 rattler, golem debris, 5 mud
24,10,47,45,46,388,381,396,393,387,1348,805,802,806,795,807 # 5 serpent, 5 rattler, golem debris, 5 mud
577-584,369-376 # 8 slayer, 8 hook
585,104,175,191,1251-1254,757-764 # 4 wisp, 4 paralyze beam, 8 tar technician
781-788,569-576 # 8 negotiator, 8 mud coordinator
561-568,553-560 # 8 halph, 8 goblin king
773-780,109,111,126,141,143,156,159,1346 # 8 "citizen 1", 7 wall shadow, ceiling light
1185-1192,519-520,652-657 # 8 tar baby, 8 sword swipe
1193-1200,1259-1260,!1,1217-1219,1672,1257 # 8 tar baby alt, conquer token, conquer token used, blank, 3 adder, water trapdoor, mirror
1201-1208,!3,1220-1224 # 8 mud baby, 3 blank, 5 adder
1209-1216,!3,1225-1229 # 8 mud baby alt, 3 blank, 5 adder
1293-1300,1255,1258,1351,1230-1234 # 8 fegundo, speed potion, clone potion, work station, 5 adder
1301-1308,1275-1282 # 8 fegundo alt, 8 water skipper
1309-1313,1357,1291-1292,1283-1290 # 5 fegundo ash, image pit, water skipper nest, water skipper nest birthing,
# 8 water skipper alt
1235-1242,1267-1274 # 8 autmlich, 8 stalwart
1243-1250,2068-2075 # 8 autmlich alt, 8 unarmed stalwart
1358-1361,1438-1441,1314-1317,1330-1333 # 4 shoreline, 4 oremite, 4 water platform, 4 air platform
1362-1365,1442-1445,1318-1321,1334-1337 # 4 shoreline, 4 oremite, 4 water platform, 4 air platform
1366-1369,1446-1449,1322-1325,1338-1341 # 4 shoreline, 4 oremite, 4 water platform, 4 air platform
1370-1373,1450-1453,1326-1329,1342-1345 # 4 shoreline, 4 oremite, 4 water platform, 4 air platform
1374-1377,1390-1393,1406-1409,1422-1425 # 4 dropped green door, 4 dropped blue door, 4 dropped red door, 4 dropped black door
1378-1381,1394-1397,1410-1413,1426-1429 # 4 dropped green door, 4 dropped blue door, 4 dropped red door, 4 dropped black door
1382-1385,1398-1401,1414-1417,1430-1433 # 4 dropped green door, 4 dropped blue door, 4 dropped red door, 4 dropped black door
1386-1389,1402-1405,1418-1421,1434-1437 # 4 dropped green door, 4 dropped blue door, 4 dropped red door, 4 dropped black door
1454-1469 # 8 spider, 8 spider alt
1470-1477,1500-1504,1478-1479,1352 # 8 active evil eye, 5 gel, 2 gel mother open, image wall
1484-1491,1505-1509,1480-1481,1354 # 8 gel baby, 5 gel, 2 gel mother closed, dark ceiling
1492-1499,1510-1514,1482-1483,1355 # 8 gel baby alt, 5 gel, 2 gel blood, wall light
1523-1530,2060-2067 # 8 citizen, 8 unarmed guard
1531-1534,1547-1550,1563-1566,1579-1582 # 4 multiuse plate, 4 multiuse plate down, 4 on-off plate, 4 on-off plate down
1535-1538,1551-1554,1567-1570,1583-1586 # 4 multiuse plate, 4 multiuse plate down, 4 on-off plate, 4 on-off plate down
1539-1542,1555-1558,1571-1574,1587-1590 # 4 multiuse plate, 4 multiuse plate down, 4 on-off plate, 4 on-off plate down
1543-1546,1559-1562,1575-1578,1591-1594 # 4 multiuse plate, 4 multiuse plate down, 4 on-off plate, 4 on-off plate down
1599-1614 # 16 rock giant partial
1615-1630 # 16 rock giant partial
1631-1646 # 16 rock giant alt partial
1647-1662 # 16 rock giant alt partial
1673-1680,1941-1948 # 8 briar, 8 briar-growing
1681-1688,1949-1956 # 8 briar, 8 briar-growing
1689-1696,1957-1964 # 8 briar, 8 briar-growing
1697-1704,1965-1972 # 8 briar, 8 briar-growing
1973-1976,1349,1356,1261-1262,2028-2035 # 4 briar root, 2 briar, 2 splash, 8 unarmed beethro
1977-1980,1263-1266,2036-2043 # 4 briar root, 4 splash, 8 unarmed mimic
1981-1984,2076-2079,2044-2051 # 4 briar root, 4 smoke, 8 unarmed decoy
1985-1988,2080-2083,2052-2059 # 4 briar root, 4 smoke, 8 unarmed slayer
[Last edited by silver at 04-11-2007 10:58 AM]