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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Feature Requests : Wire
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icon Wire (0)  
Wire can be a long thin line and control a certain door. It is not a living thing. The difference between an orb and wire is that when a wire is cut its effect ends like a touched orb but when monsters fill the gap, it becomes a conductor and wire becomes active again. Also Beethro's sword can be a conductor. When the state of wire (connected/disconnected) changes the related door's state changes also. Cutting the wire can be similar to tar.

Possible puzzles with wire can be, forcing monsters (goblin, roach queen...) to fill gaps in order to open a door, avoiding monsters from filling the gap, and of course opening a door. If directed, a serpent may serve for a long time as a conductor.(when heads into a single pile cut wire next to a wall) Serpents length can be used, too. (when there is more that 1 pile gap it can be directed to form the rest of wire) Also roach queen can reproduce to fill larger gaps. There can be many examples of wire usage as a timer. Another possibilty is to join the wire to an orb and use the toggling ability without bigger coding.

Levels with lots of wire crossing each other will require great caution. Cutting the wrong wire can let the monster out of their places.

Overall this would be a new benefit from monsters and form of danger for Beethro.

[Edited by leventdal on 06-22-2003 at 11:28 PM]
06-19-2003 at 08:32 PM
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icon Re: Wire (0)  
I'm not quite sure I understand this. Basically, a wire is a length that is connected to a door. To change the state the wire must be cut - to toggle it back, the gap must be filled with any kind of monster. Presumably, then, the wire has two defined ends?

It's certainly an unusual suggestion. You've come up with some interesting stuff, leventdal. Looking forward to any more ideas you may have.

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06-19-2003 at 08:42 PM
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icon Re: Wire (0)  
Thanks Krammer.

The wire can be a long thin line. One end connects to a door the other can be on anywhere in the room.

When the wire is cut from any point, the flow stops causing a switch. When the gap is completed with a monster body flow continues.

Cutting the flow causes a switch and reconnecting it causes another. But when there is no change it stays stable.

Beethro can either cut the wire on the left or move left to attract the roach to the space between wire pieces.

[Last edited by leventdal at 02-09-2008 12:47 PM]
06-19-2003 at 11:47 PM
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icon Re: Wire (0)  
A suggestion for a variation:

If one of these (If they ever get incorporated, that is) is present in a room,

It will begin to affect all the wires in the room and increase the amount of electricity that they carry because they harness the electricity generated by the generator (Or the potential power they can discharge if they have been cut). This could cause the wires to become too dangerous to cut (Beethro's sword is made of metal and will conduct electricity) or for Beethro or a monster to stand between cut portions as the electric shock they would get will kill and even fry them. The only way to cut or connect wires in a room like this would be to use a mimic as they are not affected by electricity, or to destroy the generator(s) in the room.

[Edited by agaricus5 on 06-23-2003 at 11:40 PM]

Resident Medic/Mycologist
06-23-2003 at 11:38 PM
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icon Re: Wire (0)  
A suggestion for a variation:

If one of these (If they ever get incorporated, that is) is present in a room,

It will begin to affect all the wires in the room and increase the amount of electricity that they carry because they harness the electricity generated by the generator (Or the potential power they can discharge if they have been cut). This could cause the wires to become too dangerous to cut (Beethro's sword is made of metal and will conduct electricity) or for Beethro or a monster to stand between cut portions as the electric shock they would get will kill and even fry them. The only way to cut or connect wires in a room like this would be to use a mimic as they are not affected by electricity, or to destroy the generator(s) in the room.

Also if the amount of electricty is at high levels there may be streams that will ignore small gaps on the wire.

[Edited by leventdal on 06-24-2003 at 12:50 AM]
06-24-2003 at 01:49 AM
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icon Re: Wire (0)  
No offense or anything guys, but I think that some of these ideas (while great) need to have strict holds to, a hold can have different levels of difficult monsters and stuff.

I.E. Dugan's Dungeon: Not too bad.

Some of the new holds: Wow. I need to think for a while.

Holds with things like Wire, Medusa, and Generators/Gens w/tar&other Gen effected things: FROM HELL!!!

The ideas are good...I just don't want to drive some new player/slayers away. I know all rooms would have to be beatable, but I just see level upon level of 8: 7S 3E or whatever the three momma tar room was before checkpoints. Just saying Foo.

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06-24-2003 at 02:45 AM
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icon Re: Wire (0)  
Well, that's up to the hold designers, isn't it? And Dugan's Dungeon is hardly easy - it just has a rather smooth learning curve (with a few notable exceptions here and there), which is one of the hardest things to actuall put into a game; especially since most fan-developed holds will probably be smaller.

My currently planned hold (I'm waiting for a stabler version, or at least for editting permissions to be implemented, before actually starting to work on it) will probably be relatively easy. And, once new objects/monsters are available, I'm sure people will be able to construct new easy holds with them, and new difficult holds.


That said, I really don't like very complex monster/obstacle types... The idea of a wire which needs to be completed/cut is an interesting one, and I think it will make a fine addition to the game. Varying energy levels - going too far, IMO.

I got my avatar back! Yay!
06-24-2003 at 02:55 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
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icon Re: Re: Wire (0)  
zex20913 wrote:
Holds with things like Wire, Medusa, and Generators/Gens w/tar&other Gen effected things: FROM HELL!!!
Generators next to tar will electrify the entire tar mass, or if touching any thing metal next to tar. Even worse! :D

Resident Medic/Mycologist
06-24-2003 at 02:18 PM
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