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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Bugs : BUG: Lost Data On Importing
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icon BUG: Lost Data On Importing (0)  
I don't know whether the exporting on build 19 failed, or build 20 cannot import the data properly, but when I tried to import my recently created player file, it said "file successfully imported", but none of my saved games were actually there - I was left at the beginning of the game, on level 1. :(
Importing holds seems to work, although there are several lines of blank entries between the hold names - Is this something to do with the bug about the level editor appending unnecessary data to hold files, as in the following link?

79987 BUG: Superfluous data is being exported with hold

[Edited by agaricus5 on 06-18-2003 at 10:03 PM]

Resident Medic/Mycologist
06-18-2003 at 10:01 PM
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icon Re: BUG: Lost Data On Importing (0)  
agaricus5 wrote:
I don't know whether the exporting on build 19 failed, or build 20 cannot import the data properly, but when I tried to import my recently created player file, it said "file successfully imported", but none of my saved games were actually there - I was left at the beginning of the game, on level 1. :(

In the interests of checking the obvious, did you try to 'Restore' your game, or simply 'Continue'?

I imported all of my data successfully, but when I went on to 'continue' with Dugans Dungeon, I was back at the beginning, level 1. All the levels I'd previously completed were, however, still available by restoring to them.

Another little issue I had was when first running Drod build 20, I had to choose a name. I of course chose exactly the same one as for the player data I was importing. If I hadn't checked carefully, I might have ended up deleting the wrong one. An easy way to lose all player data...

For that reason, it might be nice for the list of available players to include some basic stats, no. of levels/holds completed etc. Maybe even a link to a more complete 'Player stats' screen.
06-19-2003 at 01:06 AM
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icon Re: BUG: Lost Data On Importing (0)  
I'm sorry - I've been really busy lately, and so I didn't have the time to explain the bug properly.

This is the problem. I installed a spare copy of build 17, and updated it to build 19. I then imported the data from my older builds, including the holds, and exported them to hold files and player filed.

I then did these things:
1. I had overwritten my old build 19 with an upgrade to 20, so I tried to, after asking for my name on the first startup, import my old player data via the "who" function. It failed as when I looked for my saved games, they had just disappeared, and I couldn't click on the "restore" button.
2. I then deleted the new player that I had first created on startup to leave just the imported player, but my saved games were still non-existent.
3. I then tried to import my hold, and it worked, except that on the hold select screen, beneath the hold name, were three blank lines that could be clicked on, but held no data.
4. I then posted here to try to (unsuccessfully) report this.
5. I then downloaded a brand new copy of the full install for build 20 and then overwrote the upgraded version by installing it into the same directory. It worked better, and asked me if I wanted to import old data, but I declined, and then declined the offer of being asked again later on. I then created a temporary player when it asked me for my name. I manually imported the player file, but to the same effect - I didn't have any of my saved games - the restore button was gray, and I started on level 1 again.
6. I re-installed build 20, and this time, imported the data from the old DROD build. The data was all there this time, but I tried to import the data from the exported file as well because I didn't want to lose editing rights to my hold. I then opened the imported player, and the saved games were there.
7. Encouraged, I tried importing my hold. It worked again, except the spaces were still there, except that there were only 2 this time. I could still edit it, but when I tried to play it, all my saved games for it were gone - the restore function was not avaiilable, and clicking "continue" put me at the entrance.
8. Upset by this, I tried to import Eytan's hold, which I have completed (in its present state). However, I had lost all my data for it as well, and lost the hold editing rights to it.

What shall I do? :~)

(I'm on Windows XP, if it will help)

Resident Medic/Mycologist
06-19-2003 at 10:00 PM
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icon Re: BUG: Lost Data On Importing (0)  
Hold editing rights should be fixed soon. Please look at the other thread with eytan's and Erik's discussion of this.

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
06-19-2003 at 10:41 PM
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icon Re: BUG: Lost Data On Importing (0)  
Does anyone know why I cannot import data properly to build 20?

Without this information, I can't and don't dare to test it.

Resident Medic/Mycologist
06-20-2003 at 10:09 PM
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icon Re: BUG: Lost Data On Importing (0)  
Please try this all again with build 21 and tell me if you're still getting grief from it. (Sure -- make a backup copy of your data files before doing anything risky if you're worried about it.)

Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me.
Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.
I am Gandalf the White.
And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.
06-21-2003 at 11:29 AM
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