leroy00 wrote:
1. I predict that the Israelis and Palestinians will not let themselves be distracted from the peace process by the attack by palestinian terrorists last night. (Keep your fingers crossed.)
Erik disallowed this prediction, although I think there are some objective ways of proving/disproving this. In any case, although the Palastinians are trying to distance themselves from the attack, I blew the prediction, as you can see in the following two articles.
link1 link2
ErikH2000 wrote:
2. I predict that GWBush will say something stupid OR choke on something edible and pass out. He may or may not be permanently injured.
The first part ("say something stupid") is subjective, so I can't accept this one.
I think we could probably all agree that George has said lots of stupid things in the past, but I won't argue the point. Using common sense as a guideline won't help much either, since it would result in my having to take a poll, so let me restate it: "
I predict that GWBush will say something which blatently contradicts the rules of grammar of the English language OR choke on something edible and pass out."
Is that acceptable?
4. I predict that Morgan Freeman and Meryl Streep will win Golden Globes this weekend.
I blew this one as well.
Look here.
5. I predict that the space capsule Cassini-Huygens will crash on the surface of Titan (i.e. not carry out a controlled landing).
It took me a while to find a link stating explicitly that the probe had safely landed, but I did finally find one
here. (I.e. this prediction is also wrong.)
Although I am tempted to make a few more predictions to up my score, this topic is crowded enough already, so I won't. So the record thus far is 3 predictions wrong, five predictions pending.
You can hear happiness staggering on down the street -- footless, dressed in red.
-Jimi Hendrix, "
The Wind Cries Mary"