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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Holds : Challenge Crafting Compilation (Rooms made from challenges suggested by various players)
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Author Name:Fogel
Submitted By:Dragon Fogel
Hold Name:Challenge Crafting Compilation
Theme:Rooms made from challenges suggested by various players
Author's Difficulty:
Number of Levels:1
Number of Rooms:24
Number of Monsters:325
Version:DROD: The Second Sky (5.0.2)
High Scores:View High Scores
Hold Karma:7 (+7 / -0)
Poster Message
Level: Legendary Smitemaster
Rank Points: 8
IP: Logged

File: Challenge Crafting Compilation.hold (25 KB)
Downloaded 124 times.
License: Other
From: Unspecified
icon Challenge Crafting Compilation  
Compilation for the October/November 2022 Challenge Crafting contest.

Participants suggested three challenges each and were given three challenges randomly selected from that pool, then made rooms designed around one or more of the challenges they received.

12-15-2022 at 06:37 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 1224
Registered: 01-08-2006
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icon Re: Challenge Crafting Compilation (0)  
Since this one posted first I'll assume its the correct one. Thanks for making the compilation!
12-15-2022 at 06:52 AM
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Level: Smitemaster
Rank Points: 767
Registered: 05-03-2015
IP: Logged
icon Re: Challenge Crafting Compilation (0)  
This hold is still sitting in the HA queue. I wonder if recent changes to the site prevented the promotion process from working properly. I thought that holds were automatically removed from HA once they were promoted.

106th Skywatcher
12-15-2022 at 07:24 AM
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