My testing isn't turning up this behavior at all. If when I record a timeclone it's facing south and just pacing east/west, and then while that timeclone is playing back (pacing east/west) I activate a disarm token a few times, it behaves exactly how I would expect. That is: While disarmed, the timeclone's "
shows that it will not face a new direction, but it actually does when the turn is played out (because it's unarmed, that makes sense); on a turn when it re-arms its "
shows that it will not face a new direction, and since it becomes armed before its turn, it
doesn't, and continues facing the way it was before.
I'm unsure if this is related to some change (since I'm playing the latest available beta) or if I just misunderstand the circumstances under which you're encountering this.
Something else that
is a bit interesting, but perhaps not a "
per se, is that even if the timeclone is recorded disarmed, its "
will still show it facing the way it would if it were armed, even if what actually happened
during the recording was a disarmed player turning around because he moved. still moves exactly as expected, as far as I can tell.
109th Skywatcher
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[Last edited by Xindaris at 07-20-2021 10:59 PM]