Dragon Fogel wrote:
My response to this is that puffs are monsters and I think pathfinding should treat them as other monsters, not as a specific hazard.
The problem with this idea is that Halph, engineers, and citizens targeting a build marker do not give special treatment to monsters in the first place. They only ask one question about each tile: "
Can I step here?"
This question has a clear answer in all cases but a few:
* Halph
does recognise active firetraps as somewhere he "
step, because even though he technically could step there, it would kill him.
* Halph does not give any special treatment to inactive firetraps, floor spikes or hot tiles, not recognising that these
might be fatal to him.
Puffs are a really arguable edge case, because even though they are instantly fatal like firetraps, Halph may see a puff a long way ahead interrupting his path. Should that cause him to change his path, even though the puff would probably have moved by the time he reaches it?
I don't feel strongly about this, but I think it is marginally more consistent if the puff
does make Halph recalculate -- after all, he would recalculate if something turns on a firetrap somewhere along his path, even though it might turn off again by the time he reaches it. (And since that would be consistent with how he treats other monsters, Fogel and I would agree on what the behaviour should be, even if we get there by different reasoning.)
* * *
Stalwarts/soldiers target monsters, so the situation where they would consider pathing around monster A to reach monster B can only arise if monster A is a non-target such as a gentryii. In fact, they do path around gentryii in this situation. I think if we decide that Halph can recognise a puff as a tile he cannot step onto, then it makes sense that stalwarts/soldiers should as well.
* * *
Slayer wisps and citizens targeting relay stations are the two cases where the category of "
has special treatment. They will consider tiles the slayer/citizen can step on, but will ignore monsters if the tile is otherwise steppable. In this case, I think it's clear that if Halph and stalwarts can recognise a puff as a non-steppable tile, Slayers and citizens should as well. So in this case they would treat puffs differently from other monsters, but I think that would be the correct decision.
50th Skywatcher