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Caravel Forum : DROD Boards : Architecture : What happened to advanced concepts *3* (Because, well, we need it, don't we?)
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Dying Flutchman
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icon What happened to advanced concepts *3* (0)  
Hi Again again,

Unfortunately, not too many architects seem eager to embark un an uncertain journey towards advanced concepts III. Decided to pull the plug.
Will post my gentryii explainer as a 1-level hold in a new topic.

Thanks for your input so far!

Hi again,

Update to my post below.

On and off I have been working at an introduction to gentryii mechanics.

I'd love to put it into something like Advanced Concepts 3, together with you great architects out there. AZB already has thought about hub design and a level on pushing.

Anybody else wanting to join?

If not, I'll just start a thread for the gentryii hold alone.


[BTW will be on a 1-week holiday soon, so don't be angry if I don't respond.]

Hi y'all,

Both Advanced Concepts (AC) holds that were published ages ago were great tools for learning some of the more elusive details of all kinds of monsters and interactions.

As far as I know, there never was a follow-up including the whole TSS-stuff that was added to the engine.

I notice quite regularly that I can't solve rooms simply because I've never noticed some particular (or esotheric :) ) characteristic or interaction.

So here's the deal: we start a collective effort to build AC3. I'd be willing to contribute and do a little coordination here and there.

Topics might include:
* New monsters, like gentryii, fluff
* New 'specials', like horns, time tokens, etc.
* New weapons, and perhaps a complete level on the more subtle aspects of stunning monsters, brains, mimics, etc.
* New room objects, like shallow water, spikes, fire pits, kegs
* Old stuff not covered in AC1 & AC2. (Serpents e.g.!)

I'd volunteer to do Gentryii (yes, also the gory details on chain straigthening!)

Is this a good idea?
Who'd like to join?
Is this simply blasphamous and disrespectful to our master AC-builders from long ago? (i.e. should we pay a multi-million licence fee for borrowing the concept?)
Which topics should absolutely be covered?

Let's get organised! If you'd be interested to join, just respond below. Make sure to state your preferred topic(s).


Autocorrect is not my friend. Apologies for the typos.

[Last edited by Dying Flutchman at 05-09-2018 03:37 PM]
02-04-2018 at 10:24 AM
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icon Re: What happened to advanced concepts *3* (0)  
There was actually an attempt at doing an Advanced Concepts 3 in the past. I don't remember who was organising that, but I think they only got one element done.

It's also worth noting that there are still some older elements that would be worthy of inclusion in an AC3 hold. Perhaps most notably, serpent movement has never been explained in the previous two.

I definitely agree that push/stun mechanics would need to be a big part of AC3 though.

106th Skywatcher
02-04-2018 at 12:48 PM
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icon Re: What happened to advanced concepts *3* (0)  
Hello, the Advanced Concepts for TSS was initially my idea.
I contributed one level, hoping that people interested would chip in their own levels, as Advanced Concepts 1 and 2 were also built on collaboration. However, people were busy with their own work (Beta Board Holds, personal life, etc.) so it never got much ground. That being said, I can contribute to this Advanced Concepts if you want with my Staff level, and whoever is responsible for the compilation can make their own Hub unless my original Hub is requested either on its own or with revisions as necessary.

This is certainly a still good idea, as topics like Gentryii do not receive much coverage when many complex puzzles take advantage of the chain mechanics, which are highly unintuitive without an insightful article reading.

[Last edited by azb at 02-04-2018 01:12 PM]
02-04-2018 at 01:12 PM
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Dying Flutchman
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icon Re: What happened to advanced concepts *3* (0)  
mauvebutterfly wrote:
notably, serpent movement has never been explained in the previous two.

Good point. For starters, I myself have never managed to grasp snake movement at all. Added this to the list above.

Anybody know more of the earlier attempt?

Autocorrect is not my friend. Apologies for the typos.

[Last edited by Dying Flutchman at 02-04-2018 03:33 PM]
02-04-2018 at 01:13 PM
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icon Re: What happened to advanced concepts *3* (0)  
You can either search for "Advanced Concepts for TSS" or if you do not have signatures enabled, click "Reply but don't actually reply, just click the link in my old signature attached to the post above.

[Last edited by azb at 02-04-2018 01:20 PM : Post, not edit]
02-04-2018 at 01:17 PM
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Dying Flutchman
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icon Re: What happened to advanced concepts *3* (0)  

I'd say: let's join forces. I suggest waiting a bit to see if there's enough players willing to join. The details on organisation and workload could be done later.

If there are not enough partners in crime to be found, I'll just do a gentryii hold.

Autocorrect is not my friend. Apologies for the typos.

[Last edited by Dying Flutchman at 02-04-2018 03:23 PM]
02-04-2018 at 03:22 PM
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Dying Flutchman
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Registered: 01-27-2017
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icon Re: What happened to advanced concepts *3* (0)  
azb wrote:
Hello, the Advanced Concepts for TSS was initially my idea.
I can contribute to this Advanced Concepts if you want with my Staff level, and whoever is responsible for the compilation can make their own Hub unless my original Hub is requested either on its own or with revisions as necessary.

Hi AZB: I played through your staff level a while back. Seems that it's pretty complete, although I am missing two things:
1) When you stun a brain (and no other brains are available in the room), all monsters go stupid for that turn and behave unbrained. This is a nice mechanic that I've stumbled over before and couldn't figure out what went wrong.
2) It's called a staff level, but I'd rather say its about pushing. So how about using the staff for most explanations, but also including a couple of rooms explaining other push-weapons (pick-axe, spear, caber)?

Apart from that, most rooms work pretty well. However, 2S was very complicated, considering the goal of the room of showing movement order. I guess a much cleaner widget could be designed to show that off.

Autocorrect is not my friend. Apologies for the typos.
04-25-2018 at 07:12 AM
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icon Re: What happened to advanced concepts *3* (0)  
I believe as far as 1) goes, I uploaded the hold before that change became official, so it is outdated. I will add the brain room.

With 2), however, I kept it intentionally named "Staff" because as you can see, all of the rooms are reliant on it (take the oremite room, for example, which shows that staffs are not affected by them.)

05-04-2018 at 09:02 PM
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Registered: 03-08-2014
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File: Advanced Concepts TSS Gentryii.hold (151.8 KB)
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icon Re: What happened to advanced concepts *3* (0)  
Here is my new updated Staff level. I will add your Gentryii level after playing through it.

EDIT: Implemented Gentryii level.

[Last edited by azb at 05-04-2018 09:45 PM]
05-04-2018 at 09:11 PM
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icon Re: What happened to advanced concepts *3* (0)  
Okay, I found a typo in 2W: "misterious" on the spikes scroll when it should be "mysterious." I also found an unnecessary empty secret room on the very easternmost portion of the level. Otherwise, it's great! :D
05-04-2018 at 09:43 PM
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