So, my schedule for the next few weeks is a bit..uncertain.
I know for a fact that I won't be able to stream this week, as I'm going home for (American) Thanksgiving tomorrow morning. Next week, I think I should be able to do metroidvania stream no problem, but Alphabet stream is less certain--depends on what work schedule I get. If I can't do it at the regular time maybe I'll shift it to Saturday or something. The week after
that, it's unlikely I'll be able to stream, but I'll try and keep you posted if that changes.
Then things should be...sort of back to normal for a bit? More than likely my stream schedule will have to completely change going into next year. Honestly, while I am enjoying the metroidvania streams and I really would like to at least play through AM2R, there is a certain series of RPG's I'd really like to feature in streams starting early next year, and I doubt I have the time in any given week to handle
three streams. Obviously I want to keep alphabet stream as it's clearly the more popular one, so...we'll see, I guess.
109th Skywatcher
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[Last edited by Xindaris at 11-25-2019 04:04 PM]